21 | Once Bitten, Twice Shy

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Tilly made it a priority to always catch up with Greg for their fortnightly California Pizza Kitchen adventures

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Tilly made it a priority to always catch up with Greg for their fortnightly California Pizza Kitchen adventures. They enforced a rule between themselves that they could only talk about work for the first half an hour, then not again for the rest of the night. She had tried to do something similar with Roman but the plan quickly failed. The first time Roman stayed at Tilly's apartment and the next time she stayed at his. Roman vetoed that arrangement quickly since he didn't know how to cook and seeing Tilly in his kitchen made like she was a part of his staff. It sent shivers up his spine.

Every dinner since has been held exclusively at Matilda's house. Last night included. Turning off her alarm, Tilly carefully slid out of bed without waking Roman who laid next to her. Normally he would have gone home but after a few drinks the night prior, Roman had hinted very obviously that he wanted to stay the night.

"Ah man, can I crash here? I mean, I'd be kind of a dick if I called a driver to come pick me up this late right? Like, it's almost midnight... And fucking, traffic or whatever-"

"Traffic at midnight. On a Sunday. To your place. Which is a two minute drive away..." Matilda repeated back slowly, hoping for him to hear just how stupid his reasoning was. He didn't care how bad his excuse was, he just didn't want to explicitly ask to stay the night. He didn't know why. She didn't know why. But they both went along with it and he slept over.

Now, standing underneath her morning shower and still being half asleep, Tilly mentally tried to prepare herself for her dreaded work day. She and the broader digital team had partnered with the tech giant Meta, to live broadcast The Bunker on Instagram and Facebook.

Live broadcasting wasn't a revolutionary thing in the world of news either, nor was it uncommon for news to be live streamed on mobile devices. With the rise in streaming, it was a no brainer for companies to create their own apps to stream news; but not like this. Not with the endorsement of the biggest social media company in the world. Many things about the broadcast terrified Matilda but nothing made her skin crawl as much as working with Mark Ravenhead. In her day to day role, she rarely had any interaction with him, though today she would. For today, was especially important for ATN and her career alike.

Matilda dried herself off and made her way downstairs to brew her usual morning tea. Scratch that, a double shot espresso. And as she waited for the coffee machine to freshly grind the Ethiopian beans, she ruminated on the myriad of challenges she would inevitably face throughout her day.

- The show Logan insisted on using to launch the ATN project was The Bunker, hosted by Mark Ravenhead. Young people don't watch The fucking Bunker.

- Mark Ravenhead is a very unlikable and polarising person with strong right wing opinions. Tilly, is not a red voter and therefore disagrees with majority of the bullshit that comes out of his mouth.

- Tilly hates Mark Ravenhead with every bone in her body. Mark Ravenhead enjoys pulling Tilly's strings. Intentionally or otherwise.

- Mark Ravenhead does not like being told what to do. Given it's his show, he doesn't take well to being given demands from people he views beneath him. Women especially. Tilly is a woman. Instant clash.

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