chapter 3:A little bit of this a little bit of that

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The next morning Kara and Lila came up to me and they start apologizing for not taking me to the mall. I wasn't upset at all so they finally said that we are going to the mall after school for the party.
"So Lila, do you actually like lilacs or Lilly's?"
"Yeah haha I do I love plants and flowers"
"And you Kara?"
"I like music and shopping, what about you?"
I'm a very closed person, at my old school even though I was really popular and I was the cheer captain and everything I still really didn't care I only had my one true friend, we have the same last name, 'garret' and we told each other everything, we were basically like sisters"
"damn girl you really are the nice girl everyone says and that's not going to work out, you are pretty and popular even here but you need a new look something flashy"
"Yes flashy!"
"No buts"
"Wow look at this dress it's so beautiful"
"You're right aliya but I think it could be a little shorter"
After shopping I decided to check my school website to see who got into the cheer team, I saw;
And, and, and
I start freaking out and tell myself to calm down. I go home to go get ready for the party which Kara cut a little to make it look more 'flashy and sexy'
As I put on the dress I notice you can see my underwear and my boobs but my friends Lila and Kara say it looks good as I go to the party I see Tiffany, she comes over with a drink and gives it to me I drink it and I keep on asking for more, I have had about ten glasses of that drink and I start to get a little uneasy and drunk I rip my dress up and go into the room with a random guy he forces himself onto me taking off my clothes he touches me everywhere leaving me with pleasure that I don't want but feel attracted to I want him to stop but he won't stop, just then Brent walks in
"Get off of her now!"
"Okay, okay calm down"
As he gets off of me I try to cover myself up Brent takes off his hoodie and gives it to me.
"Since it's my party and my house and this guy caused you trouble here you may stay here tonight now go put my hoodie on I'll try to find some sweats and give it to you to wear, go get cleaned up"
I go get cleaned up and put his hoodie and his sweats on, as I come out I look and I see Brent and Brittany making out, I run out crying but I make sure no one sees I start to feel dizzy and faint.
Brent carries me to his room, gives me some water and puts me to to sleep. That morning when I woke up I realized I'm in Brent's bed Brent comes and he tells me it's okay I calm down and I ask him what happened and he told me about what Brittany had told Tiffany to do.
"I'm so stupid"
"No your not, come I'll drop you home"
"But my parents they will think that I um.."
"I understand we will borrow some of my sisters clothes then"
I put on Brent's sisters leggings and crop top, went into Brent's car and started driving home"
"Bye aliya, see you at school tomorrow, Feel better".

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