Chapter 9: sorry I didn't hear you I was to busy screaming

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"Michael wake up it's time for school!"
"One more minute please, Aliya"
"My dad is here already? Oh god get up Michael!"
"You don't get it, do you? Let's just get to school"
We get up and go to school and get ready as fast as we can and as we get to school I see someone going up to Michael.
What the heck I call him that when I'm drunk! Then I realize it's none other then Valerie.
"Valerie? What are you doing here?" I say politely so I don't make a scene.
"Didn't you hear? Michael and I got back together!"
Those words kept on going through my head
Back together, back together, back together
"Michael how come you never told me? I thought you said we were friends"
After I say that I get really mad for some reason and I leave. I'm not normally that angry at people then why do I feel like this? I kind of got mad for no reason.
"Aliya we haven't seen you in forever where have you been?"
"Nowhere. Lila Kara.. You guys want to go to the mall afterschool?"
"Sure! I mean we haven't hung out in so long!
After talking and talking we finally go to Mr doslys class and since I'm his favourite he didn't mind that I was 5 minutes late after class it was the end of the day so Lila , Kara and I went to the mall
"Aliya you should buy this" said Kara
"Yeah you love cat ears so much! Hmm how about I buy it for you but if I do we are going to sport check next"
"Okay!! Thank you so much Lila!!"
We go into sport check and I see Michael, I completely avoid him and start looking for Adidas shoes for Lila
"Lila what about this one!?!"
"They are so really nice and on sale for 59$"
"I'll buy them for you"
"It's fine I can buy them"
"Okay" I muttered
"Isn't that Michael?"
"How should I know I'm not around him 24/7"
"Ooo is someone having a fight with someone?""
They make that evil smirk.
"No! I just think we are able to be with are friends when we are friends
Okay, 1 that made no fucking sense 2 make up and lastly 3 why are you mad at him?" Says Kara
"I have my reasons and can we not stand in sport check while talking about this?"
"Okay um how about we go to the food court" says Lila
"I got a text I got to go home.."
Yes I lied but doesn't everyone?
I went for a walk, I was thinking of taking a drink so I only had one so it doesn't go to extreme and as I kept walking forward there was Michael.
"Aliya?" He said it in a mixed tone like confusion but anger
I ignored him and kept walking. This time he kept on walking towards me eventually my back was against a fence .
"Listen up, I don't know why the fuck you got mad with Valerie and don't think I'm going to take it, Valerie is was upset and I expect you to be nice to her oh and by the way I heard about what happened at school the other day you are seriously such a fucking lier anyways stay away from us"
he leaned onto my face really closely and lifted my hands up to the fence where I couldn't move my hands anymore
"Michael what are you--"
He cut me off by saying
"I can feel the tension building up in you haha I'm not going to kiss you I have a girlfriend!"
"I get it you have a fucking girlfriend and the only tension I had was you hurting me. I'll just leave"
"Oh I can't wait"
When Michael said that I couldn't help but tear up oh god why do I have to be like this this isn't fair why can't I just die just in the morning it was perfectly fine. How can someone change in less then 24 hours?
"Glad to know.."
I left in disappointment .
I finally got home and managed to fake a smile
"Dad I decided I want to go earlier"
"Well I was just about to tell you they took you out a person with apparently better grades and stuff got in and you didn't"
"Oh.. Anyways where's mum?"
"Why the fuck do you always ask for your fucking mom you are to damn useless and pampered way to much god this wouldn't have happened if your stupid mother hadn't give birth to two girls"
"Please dad"
"Don't make me hit you"
He raises his hand and tries to hit me when
"What are you trying to do don't hit my daughter ever again!" My mom says
I say with tears I start crying, my mom takes me into my room to calm me down
Shhh shhh calm down sweetie and tell me what happened
"Michael he's being rude to me and I don't know what to do, he even said stay away from me I mean I know he's rude but this is way out of hand and I just feel more and more sad mom please I want it to stop, I want to be happy, I don't want this to be my life"
"Okay how about you go to his house right now and ask and this isn't your life okay? everything is going to be okay, this isn't forever"
"Okay... mom thank you I love you"
I give her a big tight hug
"I love you to Hun and I want you to smile always okay?"
I go to Michael's house in my pjs and knock on the door
"Michael, Michael, Michael!!!" I say in a loud voice
"What the fuck do you want"
"To reply to what you said"
"Well it's not going to happen"
"I don't get it you didn't even like Valerie and now you are sticking up for her?"
"People change Aliya"
"Yo-u didn't call me cupcake.."
"Aliya get over yourself it's a stupid nickname I kept for you just go home, you fucking alcoholic"
"But you know why I do that.. I thought you understood"
"Bye Aliya"
I don't go home I go to the place Michael and I always went the park I cried and cried there and stayed the whole night the next morning I stayed there and I didn't go to school I didn't feel like talking to anybody not because of what happened but because everything in my life is just getting complicated I wish I was home where Kate is by the time goes to 3:00pm basically the time school ends, I go walk home and I see Michael
"Aliya why weren't you at school?"
"Michael if you think you can fucking push me around and shit I just have to say no you can't and I'll answer your stupid question I didn't go home I was at the park and schools boring so I didn't go"
You're a terrible lier but then again you're the schools slut"
"What are you talking about I'm still a fucking virgin"
"Stop lying I still can't believe you did that"
"I don't know what I did tell me!"
"You cheated on Brent he didn't even dump you"
"Michael you can't honesty believe that"
'Yes I can I mean you are Aliya"
"Fine I'm sick and tired of all of this I'm done"
I take a blade and try to cut really deep when
"Aliya stop!"
"No you won't believe me my dad fucking hates me Kate's not here I mess up everything I can't even get a guy to even look me in the eye and tell them I am telling the truth"
"Aliya I'm sorry I should of believed you"
He comes closer and runs his fingers through my hair and I look away and step back
"I have to go meet up with Brittany and Brent for our project"
Why do I feel like this i wanted him to kiss me does this mean I like him? But he's the complete opposite of me oh god fuck this assignment.

Hey guys!!
So this was chapter nine I thought I would make her happier but I guess that didn't happen but what do you think about Aliya? Is she getting feelings for Michael? Why didn't Michael believe her whats he going to do about Valerie and what's going to happen about the project when Brent and Aliya see each other face to face?

Okay so I'm hungry um my brother came and my aunts here and screaming my name so stay tuned for chapter 10 bye loves

Question: what do you think Michael's going to do to make it up to Aliya or cupcake? ;)

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