Chapter 6: i dont know what to say about you

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I hear the doorbell ring *ding dong* oh god! Who could be at the door it's only 11:00am on a Saturday and then I remembered, oh god! Michael was coming today. This is so embarrassing I'm wearing booty shorts and a see through shirt.
"Hello sweetie, Aliya is upstairs I think she's still asleep but you can go wake her up"
"Okay thanks um mrs--"
"Just call me Amanda okay Hun"
"Okay thank you"
I can hear him coming up the stairs.
"Hold on, don't come in yet!"
I quickly put a shirt on and a pair of sweats and opened the door.
"Oh hi, sorry I just kinda woke up I forgot you were coming.."
"It's fine. I can go home if you want"
"No stay. I'll just quickly take a shower you go into my study room and I'll be down there soon"
"Okay" says Michael all anxious and nervous
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, go take a shower"
I go into my washroom and take a nice hot shower wetting my hair and rinsing the soap off of my body, as I come out of the shower I put sweats and sweatshirt on and go into my study room to go see Michael.
"Hey I'm finally done! Sorry I took so long"
"It's okay"
"don't mind my face, I have no makeup on and I just look bad in general"
"You don't look bad you look great! May I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure go ahead"
When I meant go ahead I meant that I'm freaking out and I hope I don't pass out.
"Why do you seem like you try to hide your real self?"
I feel dizzy hearing that those same words repeat in my head making me pass out.
Michael carries me to my room and strokes my hair hoping I wake up soon. After fifteen minutes I tend to still not be awake. He strokes my hair gently and lightly dabs his fingers in a little bowl of water and flicks it to my face making me to realize I'm awake. I wake up and realize that my head is on Michael lap on my bed with his wet hand on my head. I stutter and
"What the.. What the fuck are you doing? I called you over to my house to hang out not to act like I want you or some shit"
"No what the heck! You know what it's my fault for trying to be nice, and for your information you passed out so I was helping you wake up!"
He leaves my house slamming the door I realize it's about 9:30 and I have to be at Brittany's house soon. I get my mom to drop me off to Brittany's house and I see that Tiffany and Amy are there to
"Um..should I go home? Is this a wrong timing?"
"Aliya you're hear for our project so shut up and for your information Brent and I have got back together so you can quit making those 'dreamy eyes' at my boyfriend"
Brittany was like that perfect pretty girl who had a terrible soul she was bleach blond with black streaks and she had a perfect body all she wore was colours because she thought it would make her seem like the star she is, not! Honestly despite what she looked like all I wanted to do right now was beat the shit out of her! Yes I have a crush on her boyfriend but why does that even matter? Like I know she likes him whatever. I like who I like.
"Aliya poor girl. Brittany hates girls like you so stay away from her, Brent, Amy and I, anyways have fun with your project Amy and I are going to go home."
Tiffany and Amy left leaving Brittany and I to work on our project
" How is this going to work nobody's here..."
"So we can finish it give to them and they can practice. It's not that hard, you know?
"Yeah whatever.."
Two hours later we finish our assignment and it's midnight and I walk home alone I feel even more bad with what happened with Michael, he was only trying to help me and I was harsh with him. I don't go home I call my mom and tell her I'm staying at a friends house but the truth is I left to go drink. I do this all the time but nobody knows. I go to my moms old cars trunk take 5 cans of alcohol out and drink until I'm so drunk I can barely move I hear a beeping noise from my phone and I see a text message from Michael.

Hey, sorry for yelling at you have a good sleep:)

I'm not in my senses so I immediately call him
"Aliya listen--"
I cut him off
"Omg mikee! How could you leave like that I didn't mean to, come come to me and we can work all this out heehee I LOOOVEE you"
Drunk me is so stupid. Honestly I love you? I haven't even said that to anyone and I say that to Michael while I'm drunk like really, I'm dumb like uhhh
"Aliya are you drunk?"
"Are you my mom?"
"Where are you?"
"Right by the park by my house I think haha. I think you're mean Michael!"
"I'm coming to get you"
"Wtf no no mikee you're mean and you hate me!"
I try to walk but I'm just to drunk so I end up waiting until Michael comes.
"Aliya, oh my god!"
He carries me in his arms and carries me into his car.
"I'm not taking you back to your house, your moms going to he furious if she sees you like this, which means you're sleeping at my house.
We reach his house and he carries me and puts me onto his bed.
"W-haat are you going to do?.."
"Don't worry, I may take advantage of almost every girl in school but I'll let you go"
I suddenly feel a fluttery feeling that doesn't come out like everything in this moment is absolutely perfect.
"Where are you going to sleep? Mikee"
I'm still not completely in my senses so I'm calling him mikee for that reason.
"In the guest room"
"No no I'll go.."
I try to get up to walk but I collapse
"Careful fattiee"
I start to cry because I just broke out, I kept it in for so long..
"Aliya what's wrong stop faking it you're hiding something please tell me. I want to help you"
"I'm fine"
I force a smile so he buys it but it's clear that he doesn't, so instead of repeatedly asking me what's wrong he lays beside me on the bed calming me down. He said that he was going to go back to the roo, after calming me but we fell asleep next to each other.
When I woke up I see juice, Advil and a note.

Drink this you will feel a whole lot better. I have clothes for you on my bed I borrowed from my sister cheap, I know meet me downstairs nobody's home so nobody will know that you were here and whatever happened yesterday was a mistake so just forget about it.

I put the clothes on which is a long black skirt and a striped black and white crop top after that I drink the orange juice with the pills and go downstairs to where Michael is.
"Oh wow"
"Thanks, I guess"
"Did you sleep well aliya?"
"Yeah I did thanks but you didn't have to come and get me I could of just stayed there"
"But you were drunk. Why are you doing this to yourself"
"I'm going home thank you for taking care of me but we both know you're going to stop bring nice and be amusingly rude to me"
"You are, avoiding the topic again?"
"I think i should go home now"
"Do you want me to walk you?"
"No it's fine I can walk on my own"
As I start to walk home I quickly realize I have tell Kara to tell my mom I was at her house if she asks what friends house I was at.

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