chapter 4: big step forward

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I didn't realize how scared I was until now, all alone in my room, mom and dad at work. I was terrified that something bad was going to happen to me again. I try to remain calm and sleep. As I wake up the next morning I check my social media sites, on my laptop before I go get ready. I notice a message from Lila,
"I'm so sorry we shouldn't have left you alone".
I reply with,
"It's okay, I'm fine. See you at school".
I get ready for school and my parents drop me off, I try to avoid everyone because of how frightened I was. Brittany Tiffany and Amy approach me and warn me to stay away from Brent or they will tell everyone what had happened yesterday but how do they even know what had happened the only person that knew was Brent and now that I think of it how did Lila know? Did Brent tell? I realized that I start to feel upset and start crying I run to the washroom. Kara and Lila come into the washroom and they try to take my mind off of what had happened.
"Everything's going to be okay Brittany and her friends are just like that they are rude to everyone you have to stay strong you have us we are your friends okay?"
"Okay thanks guys"
*They all hug*
Come on let's go to class, we go to class and for a while my mind is off of what happened.
"I have drama next, see you later guys"
"See you later Aliya"
Oh god Brent's in this class how do I avoid him? I'll just see what happens.
"Class we are doing a play I'm putting you into groups"
I'm scared what if I'm in a group with Brent
"Alicia, Katie and kris you're in a group"
"Austin, Amanda and Candy you're in a group"
"Brent,Aliya,Brittany and Germaine you're all in a group"
Oh god this is worse then being in a group with Brent I officially hate this class.
*bell rings*

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