Chapter 2: life difference

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As I wake up I look at my ceiling
"Ugh I don't want to go to school today I'm so tired"
"Aliya wake up you're going to be late for school"
"Okay mom hold on I'm just about finished"
"Well it looks like I have to get up now".
My mom and I have a pretty good relationship we can tell each other anything but sometimes she can be a pain in the ass, just joking.
Mom dad! I'm leaving for school bye love you guys.
I left the house and started walking to school when suddenly Lila and Kara came up to me.
"Hey girl"
"Oh hey Lila"
"Don't forget me Kara hello?"
"Hey to you to Kara"
Okay you are coming to a party with us okay? Okay. Sounds like a plan pick you up at 7:00pm don't be late.
I'm not sure if my parents will agree though. Aliya that's why you lie! We have a lot to teach you now let's go to school and after we will go to the mall to shop for sexy dresses for the party.
Okay I guess so but.... Okay what's your question?, what kind of party is it and what will I tell my parents and, and, and... okay, okay calm down Aliya you're with us.
The party is completely safe don't worry and we will tell your parents that your studying at Kara's house and if they call her sister we will tell them that your in the washroom or something, so don't worry I got it all covered now let's go to school before we are late.

As we reach school there's people staring at us I didn't really get why, and then I finally realized. Brittany she leaked me singing from when I was eight. I really sucked at singing when I was eight... I got so embarrassed I ran to a empty room and Brent was sitting there, as soon as I saw him a ran out crying as fast as I could.
"Wait! Aliya"
I stopped and turned to look at him, he stepped forward and looked me in the eye. I asked while crying,
"Why? Why is this happening? Shouldn't you be at the front of the school making fun of me like the others? It's the second week of school and everyone already hates me! Can't you just go away? Why are you even here?
"Aliya listen to me, forget about them they just follow Britt around and listen to what she says because she's the most 'hottest girl' at this school" . (Britt is Brittany's nickname)
"Then why is she doing this to me? You still haven't answered my questions yet by the way" .
" I don't like crowds or rude people I know you're probably thinking why would I date her well I really liked her at the time she and I were i don't even know how to put it, but then she became obsessed with popularity, and such so we broke up" .
"Oh... I'm.. Im.. So so sorry... I didn't know.."
"It's fine and as for you, your really pretty and your nice and she doesn't like that, your starting to become popular, she wants to take that away from you" .
" I.. I have to go.."
*The bell rings it's time for cheer tryouts*
Okay here goes nothing. As I walk in I am told to do a certain routine for cheer, the coach is keeping her eye on me so much that I know, I can't let her down.
"Okay everyone this routine is over the results of who got on the team will be out tomorrow"
As I walk out the door people start laughing at me by the halls I try to ignore it but I really can't. I decide to call Kate and apologies for the way I have acted
*calling Kate*
"Hi Kate listen I'm so sorr-"
"Aliya you're like my sister you don't have to apologies"
"I need to talk to you Kate"
I start crying so much that Kate tells me to calm down. I slowly tell her everything that has been happening at school, she says to calm down and listen to her.
"Aliya listen it's going to be okay bullies are a part of life but in order for us to be strong we need to trust ourselves. Nothing she says is true you know you can sing, that video was from you were eight ignore it and believe in yourself I love you aliya with all my heart and I can't wait till we meet again"
*kate hangs up*

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