Chapter 8: do you even care?

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I go downstairs because it is my dad,you know.
"What are you wearing and you got a b on your English test? Care to explain? That's it you are to worthless to even be my daughter. I'm so ashamed of you"
"But dad--"
"Go to school because this will be your last week until you are going to be, in a all girls boarding school"
"But dad please"
I start to cry and I think to myself , why does my dad hate me so much? I wish Mia was here I miss my big sister. My mom drops me off to school and I bring my blades with me and go into the washroom and I slit my wrist 10 times wash my wrists with water and go to class.
"Hey babe"
I hear behind me which is Brent
"Oh hey"
"So I think we should go out to a movie"
I said okay to get out of the house and I still can't believe that I that I'm dating Brent I mean I always liked him but I can't help but feel dull. Why do I feel like this?
I go to science and I see Michael
"Hey sorry about what happened cupcake but guess what I fucked my girlfriend she does it well"
"Don't you have your own friends to talk about your stupid little girlfriend and fucking her? You're basically the most popular person in the school besides Brent so just go talk to someone else like Kara and Lila besides I have to go see my boyfriend"
"Boyfriend? That makes me laugh"
"So you think I'm to ugly or have a boyfriend? Honestly go Michael you're just a fuck boy who doesn't have a life"
"Wow um--"
*later that day*
"Aliya Hun I need you to eat you haven't ate for days"
"But mom please"
"No Aliya you are going to eat"
I eat a bowl of salad with a chicken sandwich and then wash up and go to the movie with Brent I honestly thought I would have fun but I didn't he seemed so sweet at first and then he played me making me think I had a chance with him.
"Well I um--"
"Oh yeah see Brittany just called and she said she wants to get back together but you were a great girlfriend can we be friends?"
"Your dumping me after 2 days?"
"I'm sorry"
I want to punch him in the face for playing me .
He doesn't even walk me home, he leaves me at the movies so I say to myself 'it's time to be strong no more crying, boarding school is next week so the countdown starts. Today is Tuesday.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday are the days I have left okay I can do this.

Hey Kate I know you were mad at me and probably still are but I really need to talk to you please
Since you're like my sister I will and you don't need to tell me anything I will give you advice okay?
So all you need to do is stay calm and believe in yourself oh and be as strong as possible
Okay thanks:)

We text and text and then I fall asleep and those words keep going on in my head and then I realize I don't need anyone to save me, I got myself.

The next day I see Michael he completely ignore me and I can't help but be sad and the only thing that helps me right now is my blade I cut my wrist 20 times this time but this time it won't stop bleeding and nobody's near except for Michael but he and I are fighting so I just hide my arm but when we are in science I collapse and my wrist becomes bare.
Michael's part--------------------
"Oh god someone help her up I'll call her mom"
"Mrs garret Aliya slit her wrist it looks pretty bad what should I do?!!!"
"Bring her home please"
"On it!"
I bring aliya home and I put bandages over her wrist and I didn't know what I was thinking but I leaned in and kissed her forehead.
"Aliya's going to a all girls boarding school tomorrow she thinks that it will be the best for her and so does her dad. She doesn't get along with her dad a lot so I think it will be a chance for her to get better"
"She never told me.."
"She's a very closed person and her boyfriend dumped her to so she keeps thinking she's fat because she said some boy said she's to ugly to have a boyfriend or something I mean who would say that? especially to a beautiful girl like Aliya?"
"I don't know.. um.. since Aliya is up now can I go say bye?"
"Yes you may"
"Aliya I just wanted to say I'm sorry" and then there she was she looked into my eyes and without any warning she kissed me. Her kiss was warm and soft and it felt real like with real emotion.
"Sorry I forgot you're Michael not Brent"
"Oh um no it's fine so you wanna fuck now?"
"Gross no not in a million years"
"You will one day just watch"
Aliya's part----------
I can't imagine what it would be like to be fucking Michael I mean we are from to different worlds plus he's only nice to me because my mom likes him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"What about?"
"About almost everything your insecurities you and Brent I mean we are friends"
"We aren't friends you're popular I'm a geek, face it and besides don't you have to go see your girlfriend"
"I dumped her"
"I don't like dating I hate commitment"
My mom ends up saying that Michael can stay and since my dad's at work he won't really know he sleeps beside me after about am hour I start to have a nightmare.
"Michael Michael MICHAEL"
"It's nothing sorry it was just a bad dream"
He hugs me tight in my arms and says
"It's going to be okay cupcake"
I hear what he says but before I can even answer I fall asleep.


I'm so sorry guys I know you guys want me to update but I have finals and I just don't want them getting in the way I wrote this chapter and chapter 7 a few weeks ago but I didn't have time to publish so who's team Michael? And who's team Brent?

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