Chapter 7: and it all started when

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*beep beep beep*
Oh god it's 8:45am already I'm so late!! School started at 8:30am! God I hate Mondays! Since I'm terribly late I decide to put on a white hoodie and a pair of black leggings.
"Mom, You didn't wake me up!!"
"Sorry sweetie, but you need to hurry okay?
"Okay mom, bye!"
"Is that guy walking you?"
"Michael um no mom. I'm perfectly capable of walking myself"
I walk to school reaching at 9:10am, I get detention for coming to school late but like I care.
"Aliya hey I wanted to talk to you"
"Oh Brent... Hey listen I have class so I have to go"
"No wait, okay I know I basically broke your heart and led you on but I just really like Brittany"
"Nice to know asshole and one more thing don't you dare come near me with your disgusting girlfriend"
I ignore his reaction and go to my history class, Kara's in the same class so I get to sit beside her and as for Lila she's sick so she had to stay home. The bad part is that Brittany and Brent are almost in every class with me except for fashion studies.
"So I heard from Michael"
"Oh god what did he tell you"
"He just told me that you and him had an argument"
"Oh yeah see I don't really give a shit about him Brent or Brittany, oh god um I'll be right back, Mr A may I please go to the bathroom?"
"Yes you may"
I go to the washroom and start puking stupid eating disorders I fucking hate myself I don't know why this is happening why am I like this why is everyone hating me I want Kate back I want my popularity back I don't want to be this ugly girl. Someone's coming in the washroom oh god I can't stop puking.
"Michael? What the hell are you doing in the girls washroom?"
"Well I heard someone puke and also that I'm a guy"
"Uhhh your such a disgusting jerk"
I start to puke again and he rubs my back so it will be easier and he moves me hair out of the way I stop puking and I rinse my mouth with a little tube of mouthwash I keep in my bag.
"Um thanks and sorry for that day I got a little to drunk"
"It's fine and so why are you puking?"
This was really hard for me to answer if I tell him he will probably tell the whole school.
"Aliya I promise I won't tell anyone please you can trust me"
"I have a eating disorder.."
"Oh I'm so sorry"
"See this is what I mean, honestly like leave you are the same as everyone else fuck just go"
He cuts himself off and leaves and I guess the walls really do have ears because later that day I found out that Michael had taped me telling him about my eating disorder and it was all over the school
"Haha boney Aliya"
"Ew freak"
"Why don't you just starve yourself"
"Honestly just go die"
Everyone kept saying nasty things about me they laughed at me tweeted me so I just hid where I always hide the park. I cried and cried and puked and puked until blood started to come out that wasn't such a good sign so I called Kara

Please call an ambulance I think I'm going to pass--
Hello? Hello? Aliya! Where are you please answer!

"She's probably at the park that's where that dummy goes when she's all 'depressed' "
"Honestly Michael this isn't a time to joke around call the ambulance now!"
"What ever you say Kara"
When he calls the ambulance they immediately come
"See I told you this fat girl will be here"
"You honestly have no respect for her go home"
When we reach the hospital I lose a lot of blood and they tell Kara that I'm having trouble breathing
She calls up Brent since I really liked him but she doesn't know what really happened
Apparently he was having sex with Brittany while the call so he said he will be there In an hour. But he didn't show up but the person who did show oh was the person I least expected person I thought it would be it was Michael but what I truly don't get it is why? Brent was so nice at first he helped me when someone almost sexually harassed me he made me feel special then why is this happening?
"How is she mrs garret?"
"She's getting better"
"Listen I just wanted to say I'm sorry I should of helped her and I didn't, instead I'm being rude and ignorant she's my friend and I promise I will help her next time"
"Thank you sweetie and just call me Amanda please!"
"Okay um if you don't mind me asking where's Aliya's dad I never see him?
"It's fine hunny Aliya's dad is not exactly close with her Aliya has a lot of mental problems such as severe depression anxiety and anorexia I don't know how to help my daughter when her dad's not even around"
"Now I know why she didn't want me to know about her
"Go home Hun gets some rest she will be okay"
"Call me when she's okay I have to go drop my girlfriend off I can't wait till Aliya gets better and meets her!"
The next day I am free to go home and I decide to go to Michael's house I knock on the door and Michael opens it.
" thank goodness you're okay! I have someone I would like you to meet Valerie this is my friend Aliya Aliya this is my girlfriend Valerie"
And then it hit me it felt like a cloud of lightning just hit me hearing the words girlfriend.
"Girlfriend? I mean hi nice to meet you!"
"Yes she's perfect isn't she yes absolutely but Um please excuse me I have to go somewhere"
"Oh see you it was nice meeting you"
She seems amazing then why am I feeling this way? It must be just me getting worried I think I just need a drink I end up drinking more then I should of. My dad finds out about it and slaps me on the face I go and sit in front of Michael's sidewalk.
"Hey cupcake are you okay?"
(He calls me cupcake sometimes cause of my hair)
"I'm totally fine haha"
"You're drunk again damn Aliya come on"
"No kiss me Michael I know you want to"
I start to feel Michael's chest but then-
"Aliya you're drunk let's get you to go to bed"
"Mikee no I want you to kiss me"
"Aliya you hate me so just go to bed"
I fall asleep in Michael's room with Michael on the ground.
"Michael why did you tell everyone about my eating disorder you know I'm insecure about it"
"Aliya I didn't Tiffany and Amy did I swear you are one of my best friends I would never do that I mean yes I'm really rude to you and most of the times you annoy me but the truth is you ms garret are truly one of a kind now go to bed and don't drink again"
I fall asleep slowly and before you know it Michael comes back on to the bed and wraps his arms around me comforting me I wake up to him beside me and I go quickly head off to school.
"Aliya where do you just ran off to like that you had me worried!"
"Oh sorry I was getting late to school and it's really not my job to wake you up"
"Cupcake is something wrong?"
"Stop calling me cupcake"
*5 hours later*
Finally it's time to go home.
"Aliya Brittany just broke up with me"
"Oh I'm so sorry"
"It's fine I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out?"
"You mean as boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"Yes Aliya"
"Then I say um yes?.."
"Great now let me walk you home"
"Well it's just that Michael always walks me"
"And this time I'll walk you"
Just as we are going to walk Michael comes up to us
"Hey I'm sorry cupcake for today you wanna walk home together?"
"My new boyfriends walking me Michael"
"Brent is your new boyfriend?"
"Yes and say hi to Valerie for me I know I kind of messed up"
"I-I will bye Aliya"
I feel bad but I decide to walk home with Brent as I walk home I decide to text Michael

I'm sorry Michael I really am
Aliya I don't know what's gotten into you anyways I am at Val's
So I guess I'll see you at school.
Hold on I thought you hate 'serious relationships'
I do but I thought I would give it a go besides after this relationship is over it's back to fucking
Didn't need to know that but bye

I reach home and I send Kate a message since she's still mad at me and I go to sleep.

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