"She doesnt want you, fool!" - 11

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Kalin's POV
3 weeks later

Memories from The night of Gisselle's party still haunting me.

She left. She just left.

I thought she wanted me but she chose him.

I ruined it .

I ruined all of It

You know what ? I'm not worth it.

I don't deserve her,

He's better.

He's always been.

I lay there looking up at the ceiling.


The thoughts rushing through my head.

Why did she have to leave me?

I get up and walk to my drawer. I open the second to last one, showing


I took the sharpest one and hold the thin piece of metal to my skin.

Should I really do this ?

Do I deserve it ?

The voice came back.

Of course you deserve this. Your a worthless piece of shit! She never wanted you. She was using you. And you fell for it. She's just another girl who wants nothing but sex.

"N-no, that's not t-true.."

Oh dear yes it is, you really thought you guys were gonna be a thing ? Ha! You are so fucking gullible.

I was shaking.

I Slowly watched it go across my wrist.

More and more blood as I cut deeper.

"I love you Kate" I cry as I cut with more strength.

I always thought this "cutting" shit was stupid,

But I can't live knowing I can't be with her.

He thin piece of metal fell out of my grip and to the carpet floor.

I hesitated to pick it up. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the faucet.

Shaking like mad I place the thin piece of metal on my skin.

I glided it over on my tan skin, letting red stain it.

Coating the water with a red plush color.

1 cut, 2 cuts, 3. I let out shaky breaths as hot tears ran down my cheeks.

That's it. Just a little deeper Kalin. Maybe you can actually die this time! How happy would she if that happened, hmm ? I bet she would be setting your grave in flames. Can't you see her doing that ?

I look at my forearm now with red streaks of red liquid oozing out.

I felt dizzy. I couldn't live anymore. She was the reason why I lived. And now she's ...


That's right Kalin, she didn't love you. That night you guys spent together didn't mean anything. She doesn't want you fool! Now go to sleep~

The voice trailed off and everything went black.

The faucet still running.

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