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Three weeks after entering The Limbrey House, Rylee was preparing for her first taste of freedom

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Three weeks after entering The Limbrey House, Rylee was preparing for her first taste of freedom. The first day of school also marked the day that she earned enough points in the home to get out privileges. Natasha had all but promised Rylee that she could get her a job at the truck stop diner she worked at, and though Rylee was less than excited about the outfit, she knew how important it was for her to get the first available job she could get.

Natasha had quickly become Rylee's closest (really, only) friend in the home after the night Natasha had opened up to her about her younger brother. It was incredibly easy for Rylee to talk to Natasha, she discovered, and the girls had spent almost every night for the past two weeks staying up until they could barely keep their eyes open sharing everything. 

Natasha was from Florida, and her mom had given birth to her when she was only sixteen. Natasha's grandparents, a staunch religious couple, hadn't hesitated to kick their daughter out of their home. For the first 10 years of her life, Natasha and her mother bounced from couch surfing at friends' houses, to women's shelters, to new boyfriends' apartments. Natasha didn't care though, not when she was younger. She had her mom, and that was all that mattered. The longest relationship Natasha's mother had was when Natasha was eleven. She ended up having her little brother, Benny, later that year. 

Benny was Natasha's entire world, Natasha told Rylee. She had promised herself the first night that Benny was home from the hospital that no matter what happened, no matter where they were, she would always be his protector. She repeated that promise to herself over and over again when just a few short years later, they were loaded into the back of a police vehicle in the middle of the night. The police informed her later that evening that her mother had ended up killing Benny's father in an attempt to protect herself from his never ending abuse.

Natasha's mother was sentenced to 22 years in prison, despite the fact that she had only been acting in self defense. The day of the sentencing was the last time Natasha saw either her mother or Benny. After that, it had been nothing but foster home to group home until she landed at The Limbrey House. 

Though her own experiences paled in comparison to Natasha's, Rylee had shared all about her own life as well. From losing her father up to her summer, the treasure hunt, her mom leaving. Fighting back tears, she told her about the night that John B had gone missing, how her social worker and the sheriff had come to pick her up just a few days later and took her away from her home, her friends, from JJ.

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