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This Imagine was requested by TheBilboBaggins . The Imagine: Bilbo and his wife (a half Hobbit half Dwarf) named Rosan taking care of their child. I added another child for the couple. This Imagine takes place eight years and seven months after the Quest for Erebor/The Battle of the Five Armies. It takes place during what would be considered late May/early June in The Shire. I also added some other characters from The Hobbit. The other original character I added comes from my fanfic The Gathering Storm. I hope you don't mind, that I added them.

It was early evening in the village of Hobbiton in The Shire. The sun was just beginning to set, causing the whole village to glow in beautiful mix of orange and purple hues. Bilbo sat in his sitting room with his beautiful blonde haired wife Rosan. They sat in big arm chairs across from each other enjoying their tea in silence. Bilbo was reading one of his many books and Rosan drawing in her sketchbook.

Suddenly their peaceful silence ended as the couples two children came running into the room.

"Daddy!" Bilbo's youngest exclaimed. "Please tell us the story again," little Rosie asked him.

"What story do you want me to tell you?" Bilbo asked his daughter as he shut his book.

"The story about your adventure of course," she replied back with a smile as she jumped up onto her father's lap.

Bilbo let out a long chuckle. "But you've heard that story many times," he replied back.

"We don't care," Bilbo's son answered, climbing up onto the other side of Bilbo's lap. "We love hearing that story. Especially the part with the trolls," little Bungo said to his father. Bilbo's oldest his son was named after his father Bungo.

Rosan lightly chuckled as she began to sketch her two children on their father's lap. Rosan was half Hobbit and half Dwarf. She was born to a Hobbit mother who lived in The Shire and a Dwarf father who was from the Iron Hills. Bilbo had known Rosan since childhood and she cried every when he was declared dead. She secretly had a crush on him, but had never acted on it before he disappeared.

When Bilbo returned to Hobbiton a year later, Rosan was so happy to see him alive that she ran to him and gave him a big hug. The two began courting soon after that. She even helped him retrieve his belongs from his pesky neighbors and family members.

"Okay," Bilbo said with a slight chuckle.

Bilbo began to tell the story of his adventure to his two children. They listen and watch him in astonishment even though they have heard it hundred times. They began to giggle when Bilbo tells them the part about the Dwarves throwing around his dishes and singing.

"We like the song they sang," Rosie said with a giggle. "Blunt the knives, bend the forks. Smash the bottles and burn the corks," Rosie sang.

Though his children got a little frightened and hide their faces as Bilbo told about the part of hearing the Orcs.

"We don't like that part," Rosie cries out as she hides her face in her hands.

Rosan sighed as she put down her sketchbook. "Why don't you skip to the part about the trolls," she said to her husband. "They love the trolls."

Bilbo let out a long sigh. "You said you wanted to hear the story and the Orcs are part of the story," he tried to explain to his young daughter.

"But the Orcs are scary," Bungo replied as he pouted.

"Fine I will skip to the trolls part," Bilbo said which maybe his children's faces light up. "There I was trying to free the ponies from three giant, smelly trolls..." Bilbo began.

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