By the Firelight: Kíli x reader.

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Kíli x reader - 37. "Wanna dance?" and 49. "Well this is awkward..." requested by LionessSister .
Author's note: Y/N = Your Name. h/c = hair color. e/c = eye color.

The company of Thorin Oakenshield had been traveling for hours and you were happy to finally get to rest. Your knees felt as though they would give out if you had to walk any farther. You dropped down next to the fire, rubbing your aching legs and humming to yourself.

The stars were shinning in the dark sky as you warmed yourself by the fire. Kíli watched you from the edge of the make shift camp as you hummed to yourself. He slowly made his way towards you to hear your singing better.

"Y/N your voice is lovely," Kíli said as he stepped closer to you. "What are you singing?"

You jumped as you did not hear Kíli coming up behind you. "I didn't think anyone was listening," you replied humbly. "I was just humming, it wasn't really a song."

"Well it sounded lovely," Kíli said smiling as he sat down next to you.

You felt your cheeks becoming red as you blushed at the compliment. "Thank you Kíli," you said to him as you tried to hide your blushing cheeks. "Really it is nothing though."

Kíli gave you a cheeky grin, as you tried to turn your face away from him. Putting two fingers under your chin, he forced you to look him.

"Don't be embarrassed Y/N," he said to you, tucking a strand of your h/c hair behind your ear. "Wanna dance?"

"What?" You asked him, looking confused but he just smiled at you. "We are outside in the wild and there is no music Kíli. I don't think..." You started to complain but he interrupted you.

"Sure there is," he replied as he stood. "Your beautiful humming is the prefect music Y/N."

You blushed more as he took your hand into his own, pulling you up onto your feet. You sighed silently as Kíli pulled your body close to his own body. You were afraid of falling, due to your still aching legs and knees. Kíli wasn't about to let you fall, as he began to sway to your humming.

But your legs hurt bad from walking all day long. So as you danced with Kíli your legs began to shake and you lost your balance. You gasped as you started to fall, but Kíli caught you his arms wrapped around your middle. He smiled as he looked down at you, dipping your body as if your falling was part of the dance.

"Don't worry Y/N I won't let you fall," he said with a smile as he held you close. "Your e/c eyes are sparkling in the light of the fire, they so beautiful Y/N."

You smiled your cheeks turning red again, but you continued humming the tune. You weren't use to others finding anything about you beautiful.

"Thank you Kíli," you somehow managed to say as he brought you back up straight.

The rest of the company were eating their meal made by Bombur or laying on their bedrolls. That was until you began dancing with Kíli. Now all the other twelve Dwarves and one Hobbit were staring at you and Kíli as you hummed and danced.

"Well this is awkward..." you began to say, as you noticed the others staring. But Kíli interrupted you again this time by kissing your lips. Your humming stopped right away, as you kissed him back.

"No it's not Y/N," Kíli said as he pulled back from the kiss. "It is prefect."

You were both smiling and out of breath, as he leaned his forehead against your forehead. Suddenly it didn't matter if the others were watching, because you only saw Kíli.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I have some other drabbles to write based on the numbers I posted yesterday. I will begin to work on them soon.

I hope you all had / are having a good weekend. :)

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