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For the first time in her entire life, Grace shared a bed with someone else.

She had never even considered it with Charlie, she told her parents they were waiting until marriage. Never a friend from school for a sleepover, it was forbidden to have them over. Never one of her flings, that was a line not to be crossed.

The one thing in particular that stood out to her was the heat under the blanket. It wasn't her usual type of sheets, which may have been part of the problem, but it was so different.

Once she'd called to let Parker know she wouldn't be going back to her own hotel and received a special kind of grumble from him while Taylor called the front desk for clean linens (there was a slight mess besides the red lipstick all over them), she put her bra and underwear back on and learned how to change the bedding.

Taylor let the cats out of the bathroom even though they had been completely unbothered by their short stay on the bath mat, they got into the bed and Taylor bid her goodnight.

Taylor slept easily, she always slept better next to someone. It took her mind off being alone if someone broke in, although Grace would probably end up being less than helpful if someone decided to give it a go.

Grace laid next to her with her back towards the blonde, staring out the window at the moon peeking in from the small gap between curtain sections. She held her pillow with both arms, clutching it to her chest as her head rested on the corner of it.

She was sure the detergent the hotel was using was going to give her a breakout and that the thread count wasn't high enough. She tried not to think about it too hard, and eventually she couldn't think about it at all.

Not because she fell asleep, but because one of Taylor's cats had stalked it's way up the foot of the bed and took rest smushed between the top of her head and the headboard.


No response.




"Huh?" Taylor was startled by the pitch of Grace's voice, she had been sleeping so deeply she didn't remember where she was for a second.

"Your cat is terrorizing me," Grace whispered, afraid to disturb it again. The last time she made a loud noise, the animal had pulled at her long hair with sharp nails. She was afraid to move, scared that it would shred her face with the same moves the one Taylor picked up earlier had tried.

"Dibbles or Meredith?" Taylor rolled over.

"I cannot tell, as whichever it is has taken to my head as a teddy bear and I am afraid to move."

"Dibbles," Taylor finally opened her eyes and looked at the fuzzy figures in front of her. Between having no contacts and it being dark, she couldn't see shit. She would've completely thought it was Olivia until she touched the cat and it went haywire, thrashing violently.

"Fuck!" Grace exclaimed, her palm going right to her cheek as she held the cut on her face. Meredith had gotten her straight across her cheekbone, blood seeping out slowly beneath her left eye.

"Oh shit," the singer cursed. She reached for the light on the end table and squinted to bring the heiress into focus, now sitting up.

"My face is bleeding," Grace said with wide, panicked eyes, "Call an ambulance before I suffer a hemorrhage."

"You don't need an ambulance," Taylor shoved the blankets off and grabbed her glasses from her purse. Now that she could finally see, she grabbed Grace's free hand and pulled her towards the bathroom.

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now