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Grace walked up the front steps of Andrea Swift's home carefully. She was worried about the possibility that things would not go well. It wasn't a secret to her that she was more of an acquired taste, she took some getting used to and they hadn't had a lot of time to discuss beforehand how she should behave.

She decided just to be a restricted version of herself... whoever that was. She wasn't sure she knew.

"Come on," Taylor reached for Grace's hand, she turned open the handle and they stepped inside. Grace could see the pattern on the walls, the shiny floors. It was definitely a home, much like the apartment she had been welcomed into the night before with clutter everywhere and writing on the walls.

Taylor hung Grace's jacket up on the hooks in the closet and told Parker it was fine to do the same with his, passing him out a hanger until he said he wouldn't stay once he made sure Grace would be fine. The three walked towards the living room and Grace found herself holding her breath expectantly.

She had seen many pictures of Taylor's family, heard Taylor on the phone before they went to bed, listened as her girlfriend rambled on about Easter's and Christmas trees, but she hadn't had the opportunity to witness them so clearly.

Austin had a sharp jawline and resembled his sister. Scott and Andrea were divorced but their body language indicated they were on good terms most of the time and not just when it was Taylor's birthday. They looked at her with an unfamiliar warmness, like maybe they actually cared about the person who apparently made Taylor happy.

"This is Grace and her security guard, Parker," Taylor sheepishly said, she studied everyone's faces for a reaction but she didn't seem to get one.

"Hi," Scott extended his hand after he stood up, "It's nice to meet you, Grace."

"Hello, the pleasure is mine," Grace offered a gentle smile, "I apologize for the short notice, thank you for allowing me to partake in your celebration."

"It's so good to finally meet you," Andrea went right in for the hug. Taylor watched as Grace stiffly reciprocated the gesture, unsure how to feel about it.

"I have heard so much about you," Grace pulled back quickly.

"Same here," Andrea studied Grace's face. Just like she thought, she had kind eyes.

"Austin," Grace extended a hand, "Hello."

"Hey," Austin shook it, "Nice accent."

"Right back at you," Grace replied confidently. The confidence was completely fake and the need for a drink was steadily growing by the second.

Parker stepped forward and handed Grace her cell phone after a lapse in the conversation, Grace took that as a sign he was excusing himself to give them some privacy.

"If you will excuse me," Parker said to confirm her suspicions, he gave them a wave and then let himself out.

"He's chatty," Austin stuck his hands into his pocket awkwardly. He rolled his weight from the front of his foot to the heel a couple times.

"Can I get you girls a drink? How about some tea? It's chilly out there. Grace, do you like tea?" Andrea tried her best to break up the tension, she would have appreciated some heads up.

"Tea would be lovely, thank you," Grace nodded. She looked at Taylor briefly for reassurance and then added, "Could I offer you some assistance?"

"No, you're okay right there," Andrea gestured towards the sofa and Grace was relieved because she hadn't come face to face with operating an electric kettle yet.

"Alright, I gotta ask. Merrill Lynch, you own Merrill Lynch?" Scott leaned forward with intrigue as Grace approached the sofa, "The Merrill Lynch?"

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