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It's worth noting that Grace did not put her engagement ring back on after she took a shower in Taylor's townhouse and borrowed some of her clothes, the ones she had shown up with were definitely too covered in what could've been a cookie to be worn.

It was not something that Taylor missed seeing on her hand, and it was a detail that she noticed nearly right away. They cleaned up the Scrabble board and decided on some dinner. Pizza, one of the things Grace had learned to enjoy even more after Taylor brought garlic knots one time and said they could be eaten together.

"My face is going to break out," Grace said before she took a bite, chewing thoughtfully.

"Yeah right, I've never seen you get a single pimple never mind a full breakout," Taylor set her slice back on the plate and reached for the beer that she had ordered. They were still up on the roof, the windows of the house were open to allow for more of the autumn air that had them outside to go in.

She cracked open the beer and poured it into the red solo cup that had threatened to blow away a few times, "It does happen, but you would never see me leave my house while it did."

Taylor sipped her drink and then skipped over a reply, instead she offered, "Would you like to try some cheap beer? It doesn't taste good but it does the job."

"I've never had beer," Grace hesitated, "Is this something you partake in often?"

"Drinking? Yes."

"No, the beer," Grace clarified as if Taylor didn't know what she meant. Taylor was teasing her and it was almost hitting a wall.

"Sometimes I drink beer. You've never been sitting there one night and thought, huh, I could go for a good beer right now and then cracked open a beer?"

"Sometimes I think I could go for a martini, but never a beer. I will give it a try."

"Amazing," Taylor cracked the second one open and poured it into the cup. She didn't always like the metal of the can near her teeth and beer through a straw sounded wrong.

Grace took a sip and was unsure of how her tastebuds reacted, alcohol was alcohol but the smell threw her off at first, "It's fine."

"Fine," Taylor rolled her eyes dramatically, a playful laugh accompanied the word, "How do I get something to be better than fine with you?"

"I fancy you, not fancy stuff," Grace replied, "That sounded terrible coming out of my mouth, please forget I ever said that audibly."

"I'm never letting that go," the blonde picked her pizza up again, "You're such a dork, Grace. And for the record, I don't believe you don't like fancy stuff. What's that thing you say about Prada?"

"Trash apparel for trash people."

"What did Prada ever do to you?" Taylor needed to know, Grace had never outright a said it.

"The son of the CEO convinced me that five was not a real number when I was four, and for three years I did not realize how old I was until someone corrected me and told me, no, Grace, it is a real number. I will hold a grudge for the rest of my life, I couldn't understand for the life of me why Michael was always a year younger than me but he was still my older brother!" Grace crossed her arms over her chest as she avoided Taylor's eyes. She couldn't eat while thinking about it, it was upsetting.

"Bullshit," she said separated the syllables as if it were two words, staring at the brunette with all of her attention, "What's the real reason?"

"That is the real reason! I didn't know five was a number until I was eight and when I was eight I thought I was nine! It was a real problem and it's not like my parents were sitting there asking what I wanted for my fifth or sixth or seventh birthday, it was always either a new pony or an expensive piece of jewelry I thought was ugly and everyone seemed to miss the fundamental lack of understanding I had. From that moment on I vowed to always be the smartest person in the room and I am— not to boast."

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