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Grace went back to her files after she left Texas. The difference was that Taylor had wrapped up nearly everything she could possibly think of and was ready to officially bury her head in the sand for a few months before she got to seriously working on music videos, meetings and an album rollout.

She convinced Grace to get a couch in the file room after the first day she sat in there learning how to skim through page after page. On the second day, she laid with the folder over her head while on the couch and eventually fell asleep with it on her face. Grace had to carefully remove it because as much as she loved Taylor, she did not love sleep drool on her documents.

On the third day, Taylor said to Grace, "Question."

"Yes, darling?" Grace's green eyes flickered upwards so Taylor knew she was listening as she dragged the pen through another line.

"Why don't you have your private investigator do this?"

"It's none of his business," Grace replied and set the folder down on the desk, "I would prefer he spend his time looking for my brother. I can do this, this is fun."

"Fun?" Taylor questioned. She pushed her chair back and the wheels rolled, only to walk around the two desks and straddle Grace's waist on her desk chair. It was not an easy feat with such long legs, "This is not fun."

Grace had a hard time keeping her vision focused upwards at Taylor's face. She did allow her hands to go onto her girlfriend's thighs, it helped keep them from tipping over, "Fun for me. You did not have to join me."

"If I wanted to see you I did," Taylor pressed her mouth to Grace's forehead, "Take a break and spend an hour playing a board game with your girlfriend who flew across the world to sit in this creepy murder room with you."

"I only have chess, baby," Grace warned, her lips cracked into a little smile at Taylor's insistence, "Should I send someone to go pick you up a different one?"

"We can play chess as long as you put it on the spinning thing and cuddle me while we do."

"I agree to your terms and conditions."

"Thesaurus," Taylor scoffed with a warm laugh. Her presence remained for a minute as she thought back to their original conversation, "Why don't you hire a second investigator? Then you can get some closure, maybe."

"That's probably not the worst idea," Grace said and then patted the blonde's thighs, "Up you go, love."

"I'm getting comfy," Taylor lamented but got off anyways.

Grace let Taylor win that day for the first time ever. It was painful to make the poor decisions without looking upset about it but the smile on Taylor's face when she made her final play was without a doubt one of the most important things Grace tried to commit to memory.

"I'll buy you dinner to celebrate your victory," Grace offered as she reset the board quickly.

Taylor thought about it for a second, "There's not really anything to hide, right? Two friends getting dinner, that's all it is."

"And that's only if we're seen, which I'm sure we won't be," the brunette agreed. She hoped it was enough to convince Taylor to accept her invitation.

"Will you put on that blouse I like?" Taylor was going to agree whether Grace did or not but she knew Grace was putty in her hands and she might as well go for as much as she could get, "And the black dress pants with the flowy leg?"

"Are you bargaining... over my company? When we're either going to have dinner here or dinner in a restaurant and it does not particularly matter because I have one of the most talented chefs in the world in the kitchen," Grace was smiling, thoroughly pleased with the new development in Taylor's demeanour.

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now