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With every new relationship comes the honeymoon period. Taylor was aware of that, that everything Grace did and said would appear to be the coolest, most important, adorable crap. She was so well aware of it that even though she felt different about calling it love, she didn't want to say it in case she was wrong.

Every single day proved to her that she would likely need to say it out loud. Whether it was the late night phone call on Grace's end or how she couldn't get her out of her mind, she was starting to think that Grace's was going to stick.

She wasn't mad about it, but it was slightly annoying considering Grace was still planning a wedding with Charlie.

It was Taylor's turn to fly out, her plane landed in London and she got to Grace's home right on time, straight from the airport. The familiar sound of the back gate and steps on cobblestone filled her ears. The difference was that Grace was on her bench in the backyard instead of waiting in the house. It was rare for that to happen.

It was nearing the last week of October, a couple weeks since they had last seen one another in person. Most of it had been quick calls, they'd been so busy between Taylor's performance in Texas and Grace's many commitments. The heiress had a coat on, her ankles crossed in front of her.

"What are you doing out here?" Taylor took a seat next to her girlfriend, "Your PI call?"

"Yes," Grace replied softly, "Still no leads. He's going to try Japan next."

"Why would Michael go to Japan?" Taylor leaned into Grace's shoulder with her own, she hoped it would earn her a sliver of eye contact.

"Because we've checked almost everywhere else, it has been six and a half years," Grace sighed. She could feel herself growing frustrated and did not want to take it out on the singer.

She looked at Taylor's face and smiled softly. She reached up and pulled the hood down, she told Taylor she didn't need to wear it but she always did. Grace had started to think it made Taylor feel cool and dangerous.

"Hi, thank you for coming over. You look beautiful," Grace whispered, sometimes the things she said to Taylor surprised her so much that she couldn't say them past a low volume, it didn't feel real to look into those eyes.

"I've got a week," Taylor wrapped her arm around Grace's shoulder, "Do you think I can hide into your closet instead of going back to my hotel during the day?"

"I would think we can probably find somewhere you can retreat to if my procreators make an appearance," Grace let the reigns go a little more every time Taylor came over.

Her once tight grip on every aspect of her life was becoming messy. The food on the dinner menu, the hobbies she partook in, the mess on her bathroom counter where medium length blonde hairs kept landing in the sink. It was good, but it was becoming more unpredictable as the days went on.

One major slip and everything would crumble. She was starting to think it might be worth it.

"Parents," Taylor corrected the brunette's word choice.

"Genetic donors," Grace countered, "And incubator. She couldn't even get that part right, I had to share."

"Sometimes I wish you were this pretty and normal," Taylor took the hand her had on Grace's shoulder and haphazardly rubbed her cheek to annoy her.

"I would be terribly annoying if I was normal. Imagine me saying words like lit or fam in my regular speech patterns."

Taylor gasped slightly, laughing as she teased the younger woman, "Who taught you those words?! Are you cheating on me?"

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