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"So you can make it a word or a phrase, a name, or even an abbreviation of something. They're just silly, I'm making a few for a friends birthday," Taylor explained as they sat down at the kitchen table.

There was a plastic box full of little beads, various colours and letters placed each in their own compartment, "This must be a professional setup."

Taylor chuckled at the idea, "I make a lot of them for people I know, they're just so cute and simple and fun."

Grace watched how to start one and began to delicately add her own beads, having no idea what she wanted to write until she put on a few golden and blue ones and the idea came to her.

"I'm not mad at you," Taylor said after a couple minutes, "Sorry for being so annoying yesterday, I like knowing how everything is going to go and with you- it's frustrating sometimes because you keep me on my toes."

"I appreciate that," Grace looked up at Taylor's slightly dejected face, "I'm sorry. It's really not all that fair of me to expect you to want to continue to see me when I can't give you everything you deserve, and yet I still want you to."

"The one thing that really gets me is that my reputation has literally never been as bad as it is now and yet you still like me," Taylor explained, hoping for an explanation back, "Why?"

"I like you," Grace put the final bead on and tied it up, "I made this for you. You said it's good for gifts."

Taylor smiled weakly as she looked at it, she had not expected Grace to make her one, "Did you just put gibberish on it?"

"No, it's an abbreviation. I will allow you one guess before I reveal the meaning," the brunette was smiling warmly in stark contrast to Taylor.

"W-Y-B-M-G... what you bury makes... gay?"

"Why would it be that?" Grace started laughing. She pointed at the first bead and said, "Will."

"Your brother's name," Taylor nodded, "M is for Michael, Grace is G."

"No," Grace chuckled, shaking her head as she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip briefly, "It stands for will you be my girlfriend?"

Taylor looked at her, really looked at her with surprise, "Seriously?"

"With the blue beads to match your eyes. You said the other person has to agree and not be mad at you, and you said you aren't mad so you only have to agree. It might be juvenile, I am hardly familiar with the proper procedure for courting outside of an arrangement but I would very much like to experience it with you. I think I deserve to be with someone I can really love, and I'm not ready to leave my family and I cannot promise I ever would be, especially not for something so new... but I'm not ready to let go of this," Grace was hopeful that the expressionless face Taylor was wearing wasn't a bad sign.

The singer swallowed and her face started to split into a grin, "That was cute."

"Did I do it correctly?"

"You did more than every one of my exes ever has," Taylor snorted, nodding as she slipped the bracelet on, "I guess I should make you one of these, hm?"

"As long as it does not say Gracie Ann," Grace warned. Taylor threw her head back laughing maniacally as she turned the bracelet she had been making so Grace could read the letters. It said Gracie Ann and the heiress slouched onto the table and groaned, "You're going to ruin my life."

"The feeling is mutual," Taylor's eyes flickered up only briefly, her tone a little more playful than it should've been for such a genuine response.

An hour later, they both had friendship bracelets on their wrists as they stood in the kitchen. Taylor said the first thing they needed to do as official girlfriends (because they were and they were ignoring the problem with it!) was to bake because it was one of Taylor's favourite things in the world.

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now