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On New Year's Eve, Grace and Taylor were in Grace's bedroom putting the finishing touches on their looks. After much convincing, Taylor decided to spend the night with her girlfriend and unfortunately, some of the most posh and insufferable people in the world.

Security was everywhere yet the party was two doors over at Robert and Jennifer's house. Taylor had to be on her best behaviour when she finally got to see Grace for the first time since the trip Grace had took on Taylor's birthday, she had been working on a music video with Zayn in the time surrounding Christmas.

They had barely shared a kiss while they got dressed because there were three security guards in the hallway waiting to escort them and their dates down the road and Ophelia had been in and out making sure her employer's look would be pristine.

Taylor had the pleasure of being Charlie's brother, Henry's date for the evening. He was a year younger than Grace and Charles but taller than his older brother and had a hard time getting a date to events. He wasn't in line for any money so they didn't bother arranging anyone for him to marry. Taylor made it clear it wasn't romantic, she didn't want to be pictured with him or at all. She was going so she and Grace could spend New Year's together, she was sucking it up.

"Can you finish zipping me please," Taylor requested as she turned her back to her girlfriend. Grace dropped the mascara wand onto the vanity and did Taylor's dress up.

"I'm really looking forward to taking that off later," the brunette whispered. Taylor giggled at the sentiment and checked her hair in the mirror one last time.

"I think I'm ready to go," the singer hummed.

Grace was satisfied with her own appearance so she agreed. They shared a fist bump before they stepped out of the room so that their makeup wouldn't get smudged by kissing. Charles and Henry were standing at the bottom of the staircase as the couple came down from the third floor.

"Henry, I do ask that you treat my friend with utmost respect this evening. I will tell your mother if you do not," Grace warned him as she instinctively looped her arm around Charlie's. Her threat was very real and Charlie's parents adored Grace. She generally tried to avoid them.

"You got it," he smiled nervously, "Shall we leave?"

"We shall," Taylor accepted the shaky hand he offered her and gave Grace the smallest look of amusement. It was very obvious that while the sandy haired man had good looks, he was super awkward.

"Are you sure Henry is responsible enough for this?" Grace asked her fiancé in a low whisper as they walked towards the gate. There were six security guards walking behind them as the many drivers of the rich and valet worked tirelessly to keep the street clear of traffic.

It was the one event of the year that Robert Kent insisted there were no cameras. Grace had realized years prior it was because about half of his board members left with someone who wasn't their wife.

"He should be," Charles kept his head straightforward, "He's on a date with one of the biggest stars in the world. He'll be a perfect gentleman."

"He better be," Grace smiled and waved her free hand at a couple she recognized. She had two and a half drinks while getting ready and she wasn't sure if that was one of Charlie's relatives or her own anymore...

Inside the party, Taylor was whisked away to meet many of the people Grace would never have introduced her to. Grace had to stay near Charlie, her eyes found the clock often, counting down the minutes until it was acceptable to leave.

"Amelie," Grace hugged Charlie's sister as Henry and Taylor approached. She was at the age where she would head to university in the fall, "Have you met Taylor?"

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now