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One thing Taylor noticed about Grace's closet is that it had absolutely no clothes or shoes in it. It was humongous, and it was empty. She made herself comfortable in one of the wide shelves while Grace went around the room removing any evidence of Taylor while pretending she was getting dressed.

Once she wiped the faintest lipstick stain off her jaw, she opened the locked door and saw her mother standing there with an unamused look and armful of catalogues.

"Why are you not dressed yet? It is nine in the morning, Gracie Ann. I came by to drop off these, you need to start thinking about a designer for your wedding gown. I have no inclination as to why you decided to wait until the last year before your wedding to start planning albeit it is highly disappointing," Jennifer Kent handed the catalogues over but hesitated to let go.

"Yes, Mother?" Grace inquired, wondering what the pause was about, "Thank you for the catalogues."

"That blemish on the side of your neck is quite unsightly, Grace. If you and Charles insist of acting like deranged adolescents then please at the very least cover it up," her mother scoffed before she finally let go and turned to head back towards the stairs.

Grace put her hand on her neck and inhaled as she remembered the part of the night where she allowed Taylor to leave a mark so long as she didn't move her hand, she completely flushed at the reminder and looked at Parker where she silently said, "Taylor's in the closet."

Parker widened his eyes and nodded, "Mrs. Kent, allow me to walk you out. Say, how is the garden coming along?"

Grace could hear her mother indulge the security guard with needless details. She shut the door and felt like she could cry. At least her mother thought it was Charles who left the hickey on her skin despise Grace uncomfortably swearing multiple times that they were waiting for marriage.

She supposed she could blame it on the excitement from the wedding planning if need arose, but for right now her mother seemed to drop it.

"You can come out now," Grace dropped her body to the floor dramatically with a loud thud, face first right onto the original hardwood.

"Are you alive over there, Gracie Ann?" Taylor looked at the woman with a minor tilt of her head, a delighted smirk on her face now that she had heard that nickname.

"Don't you dare," Grace looked up, "That woman enervates me."

"It's cute," Taylor smiled, "So that was close... What's your mother doing here so early?"

"She lives two houses down," Grace regained her footing and took a deep breath, "Sorry, I really wasn't joking this morning when I said I needed you to leave."

Grace scratched nervously at the back of her neck as Taylor nodded, "I'm getting eye surgery next week so I have to be back in Tennessee and then I have jury duty, uhm, so I have a busy couple weeks ahead of me."

"I understand," Grace began, "Will I see you tonight?"

Taylor shifted her eyes back to the brunette's with surprise, "After that exchange with your mother, you have the insolence to ask me that?"

Taylor was making fun of her... and Grace couldn't believe it, "I will not take umbrage."

"See you at nine, Thesaurus," Taylor put her backpack over her shoulder and extended a fist towards the billionaire. Grace looked at it hesitantly before Taylor took her hand with her free one and maneuvered her fingers to a fist, "It's called a fist bump."

"Fist bump," Grace smiled softly, "The hallways will be vacant for you, you can head out the back."

Taylor wanted to kiss her but it didn't feel quite right. Grace wanted to kiss her but she hadn't brushed her teeth yet and wasn't about to start that unhygienic ritual.

Camera Flashes (1) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now