Cas Jackson

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Sorry for the longer wait! I had something pre written for this chapter (and pre written as in months ago) and I had left it in my LA classroom. This chapter is definitely a little dramatic, but I live for drama, so. Without further ado...

"Want a ride to school?" Charlie asks. Or maybe it's Zoë. I'm not sure. It's too early.


Okay, that was Zoë.

"I'm riding the bus with Cap and Paris," I say, rubbing my eyes with one hand while I grab the cereal box with the other.

Charlie and Zoë got Dad's car to drive to and from school this year as he can walk to work.

"Ethan?" Charlie offers.

Ethan looks up, startled, spoon half-way to his mouth, "I'm good."

"They want to take the bus, like losers," Zoë tells Charlie, grabbing two pieces of toast and picking up her bag.

"I heard," Charlie replies, taking two muffins from the counter.

The twins start walking towards the door, chatting while they divide their breakfast between themselves.

"Hell no! I want to drive," I hear Zoë complain, followed by a sound as Charlie sticks her tongue out at her.

"And we're immature," Ethan mumbles.

I grin. "So, grade eight?"

He groans, "don't remind me!"

"Come on," I say, nudging him, "it's gonna be great. Besides, it's when dating starts. Got your eye on a girl yet?"

Ethan looks away quickly, shoving the last of his cereal in his mouth. "Nope."

I laugh, emptying my bowl before I follow him to the door. "So there is! Who? Rose? She's pretty.. green? Or Grace? Who else is there? Mai's your age, right? Cabin five Mai. There's a girl named Taylor in your class. Is it Taylor? Ooo, Aisha Kane?"

"Leave it Cas!" Ethan says, looking at me with the blank mask he usually reserved for challenges of wit or when he's feeling something particularly powerful. Something like love? I bet it was one of the girls I named!

"Okay, okay."

"Hey loser!" Paris exclaims when Ethan and I arrive at the bus stop.

"Idiot," I greet, opening my arms for a hug. She laughs and hugs me. "Nice to see you, Eiffel."

She pulls away and she beams when she looks over my shoulder.


I whip around, grinning when I see Esperanza. A girl today, I notice.

Paris runs past me to launch herself at the newcomer.

"What are you doing here, Ranza?" Capella asks, stepping forward so she's standing beside me. I grin at her and she smiles back.

"No more homeschool for me," she says, grabbing Paris' hand, "I'm going to school with you guys."

"I could kiss you!" Paris says happily. It sounds like a joke. Of course it does. I share a look with Capella. We both know it's really not one.

"Do it," Esperanza replies, laughing. To her it's a joke, but Paris' footsteps falter. "You good?"

Paris nods, her smile coming back. She starts swinging back and forth their hands as they join us again.

Capella turns to me. "Ready?"

"For grade nine?" I ask, winking, "Of course."

The bus pulls up and Esperanza is tugged on by a chattering Paris.

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