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Malik Mansion, Delhi


Arsalan's POV

It's around 8 now and Bunny has still been sleeping. Ammi said that is normal because of the medicine, but I couldn't help checking in her room at least three times an hour. And I know that neither could my brothers, uncles and grandfather.

There was this strange fear that gripped my chest after seeing Aamira all grown up and mature today. A fear of losing her again. I knew she would win this case, but what worried me was what would happen after that. She will go back to London and maybe even get married to that demon, Devraj Raichand. Asshole.

Right after the doctor had visited, I called Rohan and informed him about Aamira's health. He sounded concerned for a few minutes and was about to come here when I told him she was sleeping. I had to admit, Bunny had found herself a great friend in him.

"Why am I here? " A loud shout broke my reverie, coming from Aamira's room. Before any of us could climb up, my sister came out herself. I gasped seeing what she had done. Her IV had been forcefully pulled out and she was dragging her luggage out of my room, rather angrily. I saw Abbu worried and angry as he looked at her and I didn't make any attempt to stop him.

He needed to talk to her. In his own way. Abbu sternly shouted, "Stop right there, Ms.Malik."

Not only me, it seemed that the rest of the family was also surprised at his stern posture, even Aamira herself as she looked at him shocked for a second. But she wouldn't be my sister if she didn't reply to him in her own savage way, "I am glad you are using the honorifics for me, but I would much prefer if you start to treat me like a guest in this house as well."

Daniyal snorted beside me and muttered, "Guests have much better manners than fainting anywhere, without caring about her surroundings." Aamira shifted her gaze towards the idiot beside me and narrowed her eyes. Shit. Daniyal was done for.

Zahir and Zain looked at their brother with sympathy, while the ladies glared at the boy for talking to his sister like that. Especially when she was sick. "Mr. Daniyal Malik, when a guest faints, you do not drag them into the room of the person who she is fighting a case for. You call the hospital and let them take care of the guest." And there you have it folks, sick or not, Aamira Malik will always have comebacks, even when she can hardly walk.

By now Aamira and Daniyal were glaring at each other fiercely, ready to knock each other to the ground if needed. Thankfully, Dadu stepped in. "Daniyal, Enough."

Apparently, the idiot still didn't get the hint and whined at our grandfather, "Dada Jaan, why don't you tell her anything. She started it."

Aamira rolled her eyes at his drama and I saw a glint of happiness in Daniyal's eyes. He wouldn't admit it, but he had missed her antics a lot. Thankfully, Dadi interrupted the drama going on, "Chanda, are you ok now? Bhukhar toh nahi hai na abhi?"

(You don't have a fever now right, Chanda= moon)

I watched as my little sister furiously blinked her tears back, like the stubborn personality she has always been. Aamira would rather suffer inside than let anyone know what she was dealing with. A weird and toxic way of coping, I know but Ammi says she gets that from Abbu.

With a hoarse voice and eyes refusing to look into Dadi's eyes she replied, "I am better now, thank you for asking." Dadi was disheartened, I could see that. I knew why as well. It had been a thing between grandmother-granddaughter to address each other as Chanda and Tara, the moon and the star.

When Bunny was a little kid, our grandmother would often tell her stories about the moon and stars and since then, she had resorted to calling her only granddaughter, the moon itself, Chanda. I vividly remember a 5-year-old Aamira looking elated when she heard her grandmother call her Chanda for the first time and with her famous toothy grin she launched herself into Dadi's arms and shouted, "And you are my Tara. Chanda's Tara!"

"Well, now that you are up, let's have dinner", my mother announced as she gestured to the house staff to set the plates. And of course, Aamira wouldn't be my sister if she didn't revolt. "Please send my lunch in the guestroom. I will have it there."

At that, my mother snapped, shooting Aamira her scariest glare, "In this house, we all eat together, as a family. Get your ass to the dining table, now." Clearly, Bunny didn't have it in her to fight anymore because her eyes were drooping and she looked exhausted, which is why she followed my mother's instructions.

Third Person POV

Soon enough, all the Maliks had settled into the dining room and dinner was being served. Aamira grimaced when she saw that her plate was filled with veggies while the others had biryani and curry in theirs, but one look at her mother and she knew she couldn't argue.

Inaya, who was waiting for her daughter to throw a tantrum, was gladly surprised when she saw that Aamira was eating her food without complaints. It was a miracle if not anything else. If it was 15 year old Aamira it would take a tsunami to make her eat bland food.

Not just Inaya the whole family was surprised at the action. Aamira frowned in confusion when she saw the Maliks looking at her weirdly, "What's wrong?"

Amir mockingly grinned at Amira and muttered, "Seems like your time in the UK did you some good. No tantrums while having food."

Amira rolled her eyes at Amir and jabbed, "Yeah, it did. The food in my university canteen was blander than this. I lived on it for years without throwing a tantrum, guess what Genius I grew up. I am not 15 anymore."

Preet sensed the awkward atmosphere that had suddenly made its way into the air and tried to ease it. "So, where did you study law?"

Amira curtly responded, "Birmingham."

To say the Malik's were impressed was an understatement. One of the best law schools in the UK and their little girl had gotten in. "Speaking of law, I have to leave. Thank you for the lunch. It means a lot that you would care so much for a guest."

Another jab, right in the gut. Amira was amazing at holding grudges. Even if she forgave them, she would make sure that they knew the pain she went through.

Before any of them could stop her, her phone pinged with a message

"Lead found. Come quickly."

With a confident smirk on her face, she looked at her father and said, "I gotta leave. It's urgent."

And she left, without waiting for a reply, leaving all the others in worry and her mother in seething anger.

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