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Aamira POV

I am nervous as fuck right now to go into this room. For years I have controlled my emotions and accepted circumstances the way they are, but now, living with my family in the same house is really stressing. I know deep down I still love and care for all of them, but these years have instilled a major trust issues in me and I am terrified to let them in.

Dev tells me that I don't need to trust anyone other than him, but that's just his over possessiveness speaking. If it were up to my fiancé, he would have never let me come here. Devraj Aydin Raichand is the most stubborn person I know and I say that after living with myself for years.

But fuck if that handsome cute Devil isn't the best thing that has happened to me. I know the men in my family don't really like him and honestly, I cannot blame them. The titles he has and that blank rude face he always roams around with is unlikeable to many, but those people don't know him enough to love him and I am elated that I do.

Ping! , a notification arrived in my phone and I quickly checked it.

Think of the Devil and he arrives, wait what?

"I have a business deal in Delhi. Cancel the flight ticket to London."

I sighed looking at the message. My fiancé wasn't one for cheesy shit. His idea of texting me was to order me. I mean, this text might as well be written to an employee he works with. He knows that I hate taking orders and still does this every time. But I am Amira and I never give up. I rolled my eyes at the impossible man and wrote back:

"I am doing just fine, thank you for asking, Mr. Raichand. My fever has reduced and I am not sick anymore. Also, thank you so much for wishing me a good luck for my case, aren't you a gentlemen. You have 5 minutes to revise your earlier message to match what I wrote above...otherwise, my tickets are already booked. Tick Tock goes the clock, baby."

I added a smiley at the end because I am kind like that. An absolute angel. My smile disappeared when I stared at the door in front of me and picked up the tray of hot chocolate. Well, it was time to do some damage control.

After regaining my confidence, I knocked lightly at the door and heard a shout from the twins, "Leave us alone."

"Faaz, Farhan, it's me. Aamira." I meekly said, hoping they weren't too mad. When I left they were 9 year old children and now these little babies have grown into 19 years old's.

To my surprise, the door opened and the twins stood in front of me with bloodshot eyes. I blinked back my tears and held the tray of hot chocolate in front of them, silently asking if I could enter.

It seemed like that small gesture of mine made a huge difference because a humongous smile appeared on the twins faces. I smiled slightly at their excitement and entered the room. The twins shut the door and sat on the bed, patting the empty spot next to them.

Hesitantly, I sat on the bed and handed them their hot chocolate. Silently, we drank. Yet there was a strange comfort in the silence. Like I had finally come back home. "So, what are you both studying?"

Their faces lit up even more if that was possible, hope gleaming in their eyes. "I am studying politics and Farhan is studying business.", Faaz said. My chest beamed with pride at their words and just before I could fall weak, I gathered myself and said, "Why are both sad?"

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