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Aamira's POV

Humans always make mistakes. Rather stupid ones if you would ask me. It always amazes me when people who think they are the smartest, act the stupidest. Overestimation of skill and talent is always a bad thing. Something the opposing party had done when they attempted to trap my oldest brother.

I wouldn't lie, this case was one of the easiest I had dealt with, yet coming to Delhi after so many years was the hardest thing I had done.

Dev, my fiancé, often told me I had a bad habit of running away from my problems. He wasn't wrong, during the course of our relationship, I had done that several times. To be fair, my handsome devil hadn't made it a piece of cake either. I snapped out of my thoughts when Roro slapped a file on the desk, grinning like an imbecile in excitement.

I raised my eyebrows in question, "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, mam"

I matched his grin after reading the file and smirking rather evilly. My work was done. Justice would definitely be served in court. Thank god! 7 hours of thorough investigation and I had finally figured it all out.

Now, I had a day to wander Delhi as well. Lucky me. Smiling in satisfaction to myself, I bid Roro goodbye and entered the Malik Mansion.

I was being careful to stay silent. Everyone would have probably fallen asleep by now, it was well past 10: 30 and I knew for the fact people in this house are early sleepers.

I had defied the security all day today. Not my fault, it was their job to follow me. I could tell within an hour, they had lost track of me. Again, not my fault I am awesome, my racing skills came in handy today. Roro screamed like a banshee as I zoomed past the Delhi traffic, almost crashing into another car. Anyway, minor details.

However, I was shocked when I found everyone aside from my grandparents were awake and very angry.

Well shit...

Amir's POV

My little sister was in trouble. Big trouble. She fainted this morning due to a high fever and migraine, making everyone's hearts almost fall out of their chest. Not only that, she also chose to ditch the security the whole day, which is clever I'll admit, but stupid as well. All three of my Ammi's look really mad. Even Naina Ammi and that says a lot!

Arsh Bhai and my Abbu's are literally blowing steam out of their ears. And there she walks in, with a smile on her face, that doofus! Always getting herself into trouble. If she continues like this, I will not be surprised with any one of us getting a heart attack in the coming days.

"So, why are you all still awake?", Another audacity from Amira.

I didn't get the chance to say anything because the very next second, Arsh Bhai stormed up to her, his eyes full of rage. If there was one thing both he and Abbu hated, it was carelessness.

"Amira Zara Malik, are you aware of the time right now?" , I could tell my older brother was seconds away from loosing his shit. The only reason he was keeping it together was because of the elders present in the room.

𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐚- 𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now