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"And when her halo broke she carved the two halves into horns

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"And when her halo broke she carved the two halves into horns."


I HUMMED AGAINST the man's neck, peppering kisses across his soft, mortal skin. The sweet tang of blood invading my infinity attuned senses like a drug. I hate dit. And yet it was my greatest addiction. The temptation like the sweetest form of torture.

I pulled away, cupping his cheek and running my tongue across my teeth as his eyes sparked with desire.

He was not beautiful. Boyishly handsome, yes, but he did not possess the ethereal looks I had grown so accustomed to. He was not the face that haunted my sweetest dreams and worst nightmares.

The thought of that face made a cool, terrible rage twist down my spine. Like ice sliding across my skin and tearing it away as it went.

The man kissed me, smashing his lips against my own with a fiery passion that only made my hunger grow. And not the hunger he was feeling.

I pushed him back, my hand pressing against his warm chest slowly until his back pressed against the red brick wall of the alleyway.

I pulled away just a fraction, both of our breaths mingling in the air together as my forehead rested against his. Both of our breathing coming in thick pants and he tried to kiss me again. I grinned, my forehead still against his as I leaned back and away from it.

"Such a handsome face." I purred, my voice a sultry caress.

He chuckled against my lips, the sound telling me all he wanted from me. "Such a pretty woman."

I grinned, dipping my head to the crook of his neck, and placing a tail of kissing there. His heartbeat thrummed under my lips. Such a sweet, unbridled temptation. A wicked taunt.

"It's such a shame I have to kill you." I trailed a finger along his shoulder with a faux frown.

"Kill me?" he snorted, though lust still laced his voice. His breath hitched as I dragged my tongue along the column of his throat. "With what? Your tongue?" he breathed.

"No," I purred, pulling away and looking into the dark brown eyes in front of me. "With my teeth."

I felt the change. The canines elongating in my mouth to form sharp, pointed fangs. My eyes ran red, veins crawling deep from under my eyes.

A monster.

And just like that, his face dropped. Fear replacing the desire that had just drawn across his features. His breathing became ragged for a different reason and I listened to the soft pittering of his heart as it sped in his chest. I pushed him further into the alley wall, gripping his shoulders with an iron fist and pressing him deeper into the brick wall he stood in front of.

He winced in pain.

I grinned.

Biting my lip, I looked at the man in a way that told him exactly what I was about to do. Exactly how I had used him.

Maybe now he felt a fraction of what I felt. Of that aching that never ceased inside my empty chest. The betrayal that whorled in my veins like a storming cloud ready to wipe away all in its path.

"P-please." he begged, shaking his head vigorously.

"Now, now." I tsked, my voice low as I gazed at him with hooded eyes. "Don't beg. It's not pretty." I raised a hand, trailing a sharp finger from his temple all the way down to his neck.

I knew it was bad to play with my food. To drag it out just the way I liked it and truly hear his screams as I hunted him through the streets.To smell his blood as my senses went into overdrive. The hunt. The adrenaline. Currently it was what I lived for.

I supposed this was my version of keeping a low profile.

"I-I don't want to die." he stuttered again.

I shook my head, faux sympathy adorning my features. "Of course, not." I gazed at him, a caring gaze that made his muscles loosen a fraction as though he thought I would spare him.

As he thought I was granting him mercy.

It was too bad mercy was not something I was used to.

My face dropped, a murderous smile drawing across my features once more as the whites of my eyes turned to a dark crimson again. My hand slid up to his neck, pressing him further into the wall as I smiled, so hard blood trickled from his head. I bared my fangs. The man whimpered in fear.

I tightened my grip on his neck, "Shame we don't all get what we want."

I opened my mouth, sinking my teeth into his waiting flesh. Fresh blood pooled into my mouth, a sweet and tangy euphoric taste. One that made my mind go numb and my thoughts pause. Blood to a vampire was a drug. And one I would take with greed. I moaned at the taste, sinking my teeth in harder.

The man's screams echoed. A snuffed out sound, drowned away into dwindling pieces by the loud and triumphant music of New Orleans.


A/N: and so it begins...

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now