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"And then, the bastard winked at me

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"And then, the bastard winked at me."


    MORNING WAS BY FAR my least favorite time of day. The birds singing happily in the trees, the sun shining peacefully through the window, the wind blowing into my room ever so slightly, and hunching over the toilet spilling my damn guts up like clockwork.

    Pleasant, indeed.

    Hayley had come into my room ten minutes ago—as she had been doing for the past week—holding my hair back as I heaved into the toilet. The werewolf whispered things in my ear that made me laugh—things she said in all seriousness with no intention of amusement.

     There was a high possibility she was taking her new role as baby daddy a little too far.

    Nausea roiled within me, and every part of my body seemed to be fighting against me. It was miserable.

    "Don't worry, baby, I got you." The werewolf had lowered her voice an octave to imitate a man's. "Daddy's here. If you need to cry, feel free to do so into my full, defined, rock-hard abs."

    "I'm sorry to tell you this, Hayles, but your abs are far from rockhard." my voice was raspy and breathless.

    "Shhhh." She drawled, taking another gentle handful of my hair to grasp the strands that had slipped out of make-shift ponytail. "Hayley's not here right now. My name is Troy." a pause. "Troy Bolton."

    I shook my head vigorously. "No way. You cannot bring High School Musical into this." I looked up from the toilet and met her gaze. "I swear to God, Hayley, if you start singing Bet on It while I'm throwing up I'm going to kick your ass."

    She was silent for a moment.

    And then. "I'm not gonna stop! Not gonna stop till I get my shot. That's who I am, that is my plan. We'll end up on top, you can Bet on It, Bet on it—"

    My hand covered her mouth as I leaned up. "Stop." I hissed. "Troy doesn't deserve this."

    "I get to decide what he deserves because I am him."

    "Are you okay?" I asked. "Like mentally?"

    "Debatable, baby."

    I sighed before a bout of nausea threatened to consume me wholly and I turned back to the toilet as fast as I could before I heaved my guts up. I coughed, feeling disgusting as I finished vomiting. Hayley rubbed soft circles on my back, toying with my hair in an effort to distract me from the fact I was utterly miserable at the moment.

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now