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"Sacrifice is what we do for the people we love

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"Sacrifice is what we do for the people we love."


   A SPLITTING HEADACHE ECHOED through every crevice of my mind. The world was a merciless wave crashing against a stormy sea. My body ached and every muscle in my body felt as though it had turned to an impenetrable led, plastered to a hard ground that was certainly not my bed.

    I groaned, everything within me screaming to stop; to go back into the void of unconscious rather than suffer this world of unwavering heachaches.

    But this feeling...it was not natural. It was not as though my head was pounding because I was hungry, or my body ached because I was tired—it was magic. I could feel the remnants in my veins, the echoes of it as it left my system.

    And it was that knowledge that prompted me to flutter my eyes open, despite the stabbing pain it caused me. I repressed a groan as my vision blurred and I lulled onto my back. Darkness greeted me, the night clearly reigning outside from where I was stuffed in a—trunk?

    As if my brain had been struck by lightning, memories assaulted my mind from every direction. Flurries of  choppy images that felt strange in my thoughts. I recalled hugging Marcel, talking to him for a long moment, and enveloping him in my embrace as I tried to ease his suspicion as to why I hadn't alerted him I was in town. I recalled weeping a bit, the full force of missing my friend hitting me as we spoke. And then he'd left, and I had gone out into the garden...with Hayley.

    And then nothing. I remembered not even a whisper after that.

    My breathing quickened, and I forced my body to silently try to sit up. My foot brushed against something, and in a haze I found my eyes wandering to the other side of the trunk. My hazy eyes settled on what looked like a blob, and I had to blink what felt like a thousand times in order for my vision to focus.

    Once it did, I was practically scrambling to sit up as I turned my body to face the other figure passed out in the back of the car.

    "Hayley." I whispered quietly in her ear, trying my best not to alert our captors that I was awake before I had a plan to escape. "Hayles." I said again.

    Slowly, the werewolf began to stir, letting out a soft groan. I shushed her, whispering to stay quiet as her eyes fluttered open. "Lili?" she spoke in an equally soft tone, so low even with my vampire hearing I could scarcely hear her words.

    I put a finger up to my mouth, "I'm going to get us out of here." I assured, looking around the car trunk. We were still moving, the car flying through the streets rapidly as if our captor were running for their lives. Knowing Klaus...they probably were.

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now