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"I may be heartless

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"I may be heartless. but you're naive."


I THINK I SCREAMED as the echoing of cracking bone rang through my ears. As I watched my friend slump from where she'd been sitting all but a few feet away from me. Hayley's body went limp. Utterly limp.

A sort of choking sound worked its way through my throat, the woman I thought of as a sister slipping away and away into the cruel clutches of death.

Time was in a stand still, and I seemed unable to tear my eyes away from Hayley's-Hayley's body. Something wet fell down my cheek, and I barely processed the sound of someone talking as I simply stared at my friend whose eyes were no longer open. Whose heartbeat I could no longer hear even as I trained my ears on it.

My daze snapped toward someone like twig in a forest as they entered my vision reaching for Hayley and handling her as though she was no more than a bag of bones.

At that, rage flooded through my veins. She was not just a body. She was my friend. She was a person.

"What did you do?" I asked, tone so quiet it took a moment for it to register in Tyler Lockwoods face. "What did you do?" I asked again, my tone more forceful.

Tyler arched a brow, beginning to drag her body. "Oh, don't get all judgey." he said. "She'll wake up later."

Too consumed by whatever sort of grief running in my veins, I barely processed Tyler's words. I stared at Hayley. "I'm going to kill you, Tyler." I said. "I spared you before, and I'm not going to make the same mistake twice."

"Oh, spare me you're empty threats, Lili." he scoffed, kicking open the creaking door with his foot. "You won't make good on it."

"Tell me." I challenged, my voice so low and angry I barely recognized it. "Whatever ever did happen between you and Caroline? Does she know you're here? I doubt it. And If she doesn't' then I highly doubt she'd even know I was the one who killed you." Care had been the only reason I hadn't killed him before, because I wanted to spare her. Help her. But he had gone too far. Way too far.

And Tyler Lockwood was as good as dead.

Tyler dropped Hayley, her body making a sound as it hit the wooded floor that made my face crumble ever so slightly as I looked back over to her. "You shut up about that." he warned, pointing a finger at me as he bared his teeth.

"Sensitive topic?" I asked, but my voice was faint. Lacking its usual bite.

"Be quiet!"

"You killed Hayley!" I yelled right back. "What do you want me to do? Sit back and relax while you drag her body out into some shallow grave?" I think another tear slipped from my eye despite myself, despite how weak it looked and how it would likely only encourage him.

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now