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"You haven't even seen my bad side yet

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"You haven't even seen my bad side yet."


    "I'M GONNA SEARCH this house inch by inch until I find out what my evil brother has done to my good one." Rebekah began with her signature look that told me there was no arguing. "You're helping."

    "I assumed as much." I replied with a half-hearted sigh, following the blonde further into the house. Her steps were nearly stomps, she was so angry. I couldn't entirely blame her. Klaus had been awful to her back in Mystic Falls, I couldn't imagine they were on good terms.

    We descended far into the house, down deep on the basement staircase. The soft light upstairs fading into a dull shard. "The governor had lots of secret rooms." Rebekah explained, "I'll show you his favorite."

    The staircase bloomed into a stone passage. Cobwebs littered the walls and dust coated everything around us like a blanket. It opened into a small room that looked more of some sort of modified storage cellar. I could feel the cold whispering against my skin.

    It did not help me convince myself this house wasn't haunted.

    "Ugh," I scoffed, staring at the coffins that were set across the room. The crest of 'm' standing atop each of them. "Typical."

    Rebekah shook her head, "That one's mine." her flashlight pointed toward the one nearest to us.

    I looked over, "Want me to light it on fire?"

    "You can do that?" Rebekah arched a brow, the flashlight in her hand remaining on the dark oak structure.

    I shrugged, "If you want me to." my lips tilted just a bit. "You know how much I love arson, Bex."

    The blonde original snorted, "Perhaps a bit later." She answered, looking back toward the coffins. "Elijah's isn't here. He must have stashed him elsewhere."

    I sighed, looking at the coffins, "I know this city better than most. When was the last time you resided here?" I questioned. Klaus would no doubt choose a place that was familiar to him. He wouldn't place Elijah somewhere he didn't know.

   Thankfully, in the years I'd lived here, I took it upon myself to know the city. And to learn about all the historical buildings.

    "1919." she sighed.

    I raised my brows. "Right after the opera fire." I stated absently.

    "We were in the opera fire. It was our father's doing." she looked to me, walking over in signal that she was done looking down here. Though, I would be back soon enough. To scour whatever Klaus had left in here before I burned each and every one of those coffins to the ground. "How do you know about that?" she asked.

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now