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"Let us live, since we must die

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"Let us live, since we must die."


SOFT MURMURS WERE the only sound I heard. The hushed discussions of secretive witches trying to keep me out of the loop.

At first I had been quiet, biding my time for an opportunity to escape. Waiting for the moment I could slaughter these witches for locking me in here.

     Well, at least make them suffer, granted I would have liked to keep some semblance of peace between the vampires and witches, however strained it was.

Like it had been before I'd left.

Seeing how much had changed in the mere year I had been gone was like a knife to the gut. The witches under Marcel's thumb, unable to practice magic.

It was safe to say I was more than a little pissed at my friend.

     I was a witch. And no matter how much the community believed I wasn't, I understood what it was like to love the magic. To need it. And to have threatened their lives if they were to use it...

That was not the way to broker peace between them. That was the way to spark rebellion. Oppressing them until vampires reigned true no matter how much I attempted to convince him not to. Hopefully a few punches would knock some sense into him.

Though all plans to do so had been quickly tossed out the window the second my world had been uprooted in its entirety. The second I heard those witches' words and everything had broken and then been shattered again into a mess of obscurity.

It did not matter how they said it, or how quiet they were, I heard all the same.

"It's not possible," they had all murmured on that first day they had locked me in the wretched tomb, "Sophie is wrong."

"It's true." some had urged. "Sophie confirmed it. She used a graviditas spell."

It only incited more frightful whispers, their fear permeating the air so potently I could smell it within the breeze that swept through the cemetery.

Foolishly, in the early days of this captivity, I had hoped it was me they were afraid of. Of what Marcel and I would do to them when I inevitably escaped.

I quickly learned that was not the case.

They had never said the word. Had barely even implied it in my presence. But it was Sophie...she had been the one to tell me. The only one who talked to me, actually.

"You're our leverage." Sophie had stated matter-of-factly, as she had been preparing an herbal mixture to suppress my magic. Obviously I hadn't wanted to drink it, but being threatened by an aneurysm spell with a hundred witches as opposed to one was a great incentive...

𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔩 x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now