Baseball Game - Twilight

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Summary: The Cullens took Y/N (their adopted human girl) to watch them play baseball but it quickly becomes a fight for her life as they are forced to have a reunion with James, Victoria and Laurent.

Told from Alice's perspective.

The baseball game was going well. My team was winning and Y/N was standing on the side cheering and clapping.

But then I heard footsteps.
Three figures.

A vision showed three vampires with red eyes. 

I called off the game quickly with Jasper by my side.

I explained everything so quickly so Y/N wouldn't understand. 
It would just scare her. 

Esme pulled Y/N's hair out of the plait and styled it around her rosy cheeks hiding the blood pumping into them. We put her next to Emmett who would protect her and intimidate the intruders.

She knew something was wrong.
But she stayed put reluctantly. 

Then the figures emerged out of the clearing holding our baseball. It was James, Victoria and Laurent who attacked Bella when she was human. 

They recognised us but wanted to join the game anyway. 

Y/N knew who they were as Bella used to describe them and scare her with stories.
It was a joke then but now she was standing with them a few metres away. 

The interaction was going well. 

But little did we know fear had risen up and overwhelmed her. 

Suddenly she was no longer behind us, instead she was running to Emmett's jeep. 

James swiftly jumped over us and grabbed her. He threw her into the jeep, smashing the window sprinkling her with glass. Everyone heard her bones snap and her ear-piercing scream.

 We all ran towards her. 

"Stop or I will bite her!" James screamed as Y/N whimpered. 

Y/N slowly got on all fours, dragging her broken limps with her. James turned and grabbed her hair, shoving her face into the floor. 

He dragged her by only her fractured leg back to where she was before. 

"Please stop." Y/N sobbed.

"Let's talk about this." Carlisle exclaimed. "Leave the poor girl alone!" he continued as he slowly took a microscopic step forward. 

"Game over!" cackled James. 

He grabbed her wrist and bit a chunk out and grabbed one of the large glass shards and impaled her with it. 

She screamed out as we all charged towards them. 

I knelt beside her leg and tore my belt off, desperate to stop the endless flow of blood. 

By this point, everyone had given up chasing James.
He had escaped.
But they had killed Laurent and his remains were burning. 

Edward wandered over; he was the only one who had the strength to suck the venom out.
She only had a few minutes left. 

He picked up the bitten wrist delicately and raised it to his lips. 

Y/N thrashed around trying to pull away, scared of more pain.
Edward sucked all the venom out. 

At first, Y/N screamed louder but as it was pulled out of her veins she relaxed more. 

Edward dropped her wrist and her eyes drooped. Emmett picked her up, resting her head against his shoulders. He placed her in the car with her head resting on my lap. I curled her brown locks around her ear as Carlisle got in the other side. 

We rushed her home. 

She had to experience a gruelling surgery to remove the small shards of glass and to stitch the wounds, but she survived.

"Call us at the first sight of movement!" Carlisle instructed as he walked out the room, shutting the door. 

I remained curled up on her pillow with her head next to my knees. I curled her hair behind her ear like I did in the car, it was how she styled it usually. I lifted her hand being wary of the IV and clasped her fingers softly stroking her thumb. 

After an hour or so, I heard the soft clink of her eyelashes crashing together as she scrunched her eyes.
She was trying to open them. 

I called everyone up.

She smiled and opened her eyes, she gazed around at everyone's warm smiles before looking up at me. A brighter smile emerged before she lowered her head back in its original position. She tightened her grip on my fingers not wanting to lose me. 

Carlisle took her fingers and injected some painkillers before placing them back into mine. Her heart rate relaxed to a gentle thud. 

"Do you remember what happened?" Esme asked softly. 

Y/N nodded slowly. 

Rose and Esme took her other hand and clasped it sharing her fingers. 

"Where's James?" Y/N asked, her voice cracking, clearly causing her pain. 

Everyone started panicking, wondering if we should tell her. 

They all looked for my approval.
I was the closest to Y/N and I could predict how she would react. 

I nodded and smiled reassuringly at Rose. 

She took Y/N's hand and kneeled down staring into Y/N's eyes. 

She smiled softly as Y/N said, "It's ok Rose"

"He got away." she spat.

"Don't worry sweetheart. Go back to sleep." Esme said slowly as Rose rose to her feet.

"What if he comes back?"

"We aren't going to move Y/N." I said jokingly but I shared that same fear.

Her eyes dropped but her grip on our fingers didn't relax.

Her alarm went off a few hours later. 

Emmett thundered across the room to turn it off, desperate to leave her undisturbed. 

Her eyes flickered open regardless. 

"No, no! go back to sleep honey!" we all said loudly. 

Her eyes drooped once again but not before she said, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" I questioned.

"For adopting me!" she slurred as she slipped back into the trance of sleep. 

We all hugged each other. 

She was right.
Adopting her was the best decision we had ever made.

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