Drink - Vampire Diaries

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Summary: Katherine attacks Y/N and Lexi and the Salvatores look after and comfort her

When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor; covered in blood. There was a blonde haired girl leaning over me, gently speaking to me. Her words were blurred and distorted like I was under water and drowning. "I'm Lexi. We've met before." She repeated as I groaned in pain. My wet clothes ticking to my blood covered and sore body. "They are on the way." She brushed some hair away from my eyes and I saw her eyes were black and dark, stone hard with no humanity left in them.

Like Katherine's.

"Who?" I mumbled as my breaths began to slow and my chest burned like it had been set on fire.

"Stefan and Damon." She answered with a soft smile as her cool fingers brushed across my knuckles as she picked up my hand, holding it gently as if she was preventing me from breaking. "We're going to get you to hospital, ok?"

I nodded sleepily as my eyes grew heavy like they were being tugged down by dumbbells.

"Where is she?" I muttered with a rough voice.

"Who, darling? Her eyebrows furrowed cautiously as she looked at me.

"Katherine." I practically whispered as I tried to keep my eyes open before I yelped in pain.

She hushed me gently and softly and she looked up seeing someone behind me, ignoring my question.

I tensed and whimpered as I tried to move, terrified she was back to finish the job she had started.

"Ssh, ssh. It's ok. It's just the boys. Stefan and Damon, remember?" She soothed as they came into view.

The exhaustion and pain began to take a heavier toll on my body and I yawned gently.

"Tired." I whispered, almost like I was asking permission to sleep, as my eyes flickered to a close.

"Stay awake!" Lexi squeezed my fingers tightly numerous times until I opened my eyes again.

She sounded so far away as my pain increased more and more, completely overwhelming my body.

Damon ran over and bit into his wrist and moved his blood towards my face.

I grimaced and whined as I moved my head to the side, dodging his hand as the pain washed over my mind, leaving me completely out of it and disoriented.

"Damon! Don't!" Stefan ordered harshly and pulled Damon's hand back as my cheek rested against the blood covered pavement.

"She needs it!" Damon growled. "Brother let go of me. We will lose her otherwise." Damon whispered the last bit as he looked at me sympathetically; his eyes showed his true fear as looked at me.

Stefan exhaled before nodding and he released Damon's wrist.

"Drink it Y/N." Stefan instructed with a smooth tone as he gently turned my head, moving me so I was leaning against his knee.

"No!" I screamed at the movement as Damon's wrist came up to my lips. "I can't." Tears welled in my eyes as I pleaded with them desperately.

"You can Y/N. It's ok. Squeeze my hand. It's ok." Lexi comforted me with a large grin which seemed to relax my nerves in a way I couldn't explain.

I parted my lips, allowing Damon to slip his blood onto my tongue and into my mouth.

I gagged multiple times as the metallic substance slipped down my throat and swirled in my bloodstream.

"That's it. Good girl!" They all chirped as I drank the blood, squeezing Lexi's hand and placing my other on Damon's arm holding onto it as my eyes struggled to remain open.

After a couple minutes, Damon pulled away and Stefan went to pick me up.

"It's ok. I got her!" Lexi said as she lifted me up effortlessly.

Her arms wrapped around me securely and I rested my cheek against her chest, relaxing against her hard skin.

I blacked out seconds after before we got to the hospital which was only a minute run.

I awoke with the same people surrounding me: Damon, Stefan and Lexi.

Lexi was sitting by my pillow.
Damon was by my legs sitting on the bed.
Stefan was on a chair in front of me to the left of my bed.

I looked up to see Lexi. She was holding my right hand, caressing the knuckles and tracing gentle patterns as they realised I was awake and all smiled happily.

Her makeup had ran down her face and had given her very obvious panda eyes which made me chuckle slightly. She grinned and laughed too. She wiped underneath her eyes but just made it worse making me giggle again.

The laughing suddenly made me grimace as I suddenly became aware of the pain I was in. Damon picked up my left hand and inserted a needle in my IV and filled my veins with pain medication, allowing me to completely relax a couple minutes later.

"Where's Katherine?" I cleared my scratchy throat and my voice was deep and coarse.

"We don't know. She disappeared after she attacked you." Damon grunted through gritted teeth.

"We'll find her. Don't worry. We're not going to let her anywhere near you!" Stefan glared at Damon before he reassured me.

"Go back to sleep, darling" Lexi said softly as she rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

"You'll stay right?" I sat up and looked at them anxiously.

"Of course we are." Damon said and rubbed my ankle and I smiled at them.

"Come on. Lay back down." Lexi said gently and helped me lay down, being slow and careful, making sure I wasn't in any pain.

I laid my head against her thigh and clung onto her leggings tightly as Stefan fixed the blanket over me, tucking me which made me smile. I shut my eyes and allowed my body to relax.

They fell into gentle chatter as I slipped into a slow sleep; meanwhile Lexi continued to pepper my head in kisses every now and again.

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