Huddled on the Windowsill - Twilight

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Summary: A strange turn of events in a maths lesson leads to the Cullen family fighting for Y/N's life.

Boring lesson. Yawn. Yawn. But this maths lesson wouldn't stay like that for long.

I sat daydreaming as per usual. I heard the teacher's mumbling had stopped and the hum of whispers began.

I looked up and saw Alice standing with a very stern teacher. Her teacher was mad. He had veins popping out of his head like they were about to explode and his fists tightly clenched by his side. Questions ran around the inside of my head. Alice had never done anything like this.

What was she planning?

My teacher stepped out into the corridor with hers and before I knew it Alice was sitting right beside me. Apparently, she was being disruptive; something was up. She only misbehaved if something was wrong.

I shifted in my seat, trying to keep calm and gain comfort which was easier said than done due to my arm being in a bulky cast.

Subtly, she rolled up my sleeve ,revealing the IV I had promised Carlisle to keep in and tried to hide at school.

Before I knew what she was doing, I felt something seep into my veins with a tingling sensation, rising up my body. I felt like screaming and demanding the cause for her actions but my eyes were already closing and my body shut down incredibly quickly.

"Alice, what the hell were you thinking? She's a child and tougher than you think! She would have handled it like she's handled everything else."

"I just wanted to help." Alice whimpered.

"I know Alice. I know you would never hurt her." I assumed Esme said.

I blinked and scrunched my eyes, trying to pull them open. My head was cloudy and heavy as I pulled them open.

I turned and saw Alice and Esme hugging with tears streaming down their faces. Alice looked up and saw me looking at her. Just seeing my sister's face was enough to put me on cloud 9. I grinned as she ran over to me. She apologised again and again as she sat down on the bed next to me.

Suddenly I felt something lift my fingers.

I bolted up and yanked my hand out of Esme's in fear of further sedation.

"Alice?" I croak. She looked away ashamed. "What did you? What's happening?"

"Rose saw Victoria and James following you." she spluttered wiping her tears.

I gasped. I placed my hand onto my chest trying to maintain control of my breathing. My mind started to slip away with my body falling with it. "I feel dizzy." I whimpered.

They pushed my head onto the pillow as I continued to hyperventilate. "Deep breaths. Breathe Y/N. Breathe. You're ok sweetheart." Esme repeated. I felt myself begin to slip away.

"She's not going back, is she?" Alice asked.

"No, she's not. We will protect her. She'll be ok." Esme replied.

My eyes drooped and my body disappeared.

I didn't know how long I was asleep for when I awoke.

I lifted my even heavier head and squinted my eyes trying to see anything. I felt goosebumps prickle on my arms and legs in the ice cold room. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see my family surrounding my bed. I sat up and realised they were guarding me.

Emmett was by the window, Edward and Jasper by the door and the girls sat by my head and shoulders on the bed surrounding me. I could feel Alice's cool fingers tangle around my hair as she braided it. Esme pulled a blanket over me, smiling softly when she saw I was awake.

"What's..." I didn't even finish my sentence before Alice grabbed my lips silencing me. Her cool breath tickled my ear as she whispered.

"They don't know we are here. They are on the way; pretend to be asleep."

I nodded and Alice released me. I snuggled up, partially hiding my face under the blanket and shut my eyes reluctantly. I opened my eyes quickly. They were gone. All hiding amongst the room.

I shut my eyes once again and tried to even out my breaths as I heard the front door swing open. "Upstairs!" Victoria snarled, her voice sending chills down my spine.

They would protect me, right?

I inhaled deeply, acting like I was asleep, trying to stop my shaky breaths.

I could hear them coming up the stairs.

I could feel my blood pulsing around my body as I laid there totally helpless. My bedroom door creaked open, allowing light to flood in, illuminating my face.

I heard their ragged breaths as they got closer to me as they tried to contain their desire for my blood. I felt the bed shift as they sat on the bed, leaning closer and closer to my face.

I felt Victoria's ice breath in my ear as she whispered, "I hope you taste as good as you smell."

Suddenly, loud bangs echoed among the once silent house with screams following. I buried my head under my pillow, pulling the duvet over me, trying to protect myself. I pushed my hands against my ears, not wanting to hear the screams anymore.

I screamed into my duvet, drowning out their screams with mine. I could feel my heart pumping in my chest as my fear got larger and larger, consuming me completely.

I felt hands begin to shake me. I screamed at them, begging them to not hurt me. "I don't want to die!" I screamed, tears being caught in my throat.

I shot up and huddled in the corner of my bed. I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them into my chest. I looked up with tears streaming down my face, expecting to see Victoria and James. Instead, I saw Rose, Esme and Alice sitting on the bed in front of me.

I crawled over to them, feeling totally paralysed. I collapsed into Esme, who was in the middle, as Rose and Alice wrapped their arms around us, whispering sweet comforts in my ear as I lavished in their comfort. I buried my head into Esme's neck hiding my face completely, feeling vulnerable.

Rose cupped my face forcing me to look at her. Her thumbs caressed my cheeks, wiping tears away. I stared into her golden eyes as her blonde hair fell over her face slightly. I smiled at her gently. I moved from Esme's hug to Rosalie's arms. Alice's fingers traced up and down my back as Esme tangled her fingers in my Y/H/C locks. Rose's lips brushed against my forehead as she continued to comfort me. She pulled away and her eyes met mine once again. "You should go back to sleep." she muttered kindly, tucking my stray hairs behind my ear.

I shook my head.
I couldn't.
Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, with no sign of it stopping or slowing anytime soon.

We all huddled up on the windowsill and sat in silence staring in awe at the star-full sky. Esme draped a blanket over my shoulders and Alice rested her chin against my shoulder.

I watched as the blanket of the night was peeled off the sky, revealing the orange sun glowing beneath it.

I heard the soft click off the door opening and then the snap of a camera. I didn't care. I just wanted to stay here forever. I wanted to live through this moment forever. I dreaded the moment when we had to stop for me to have food or water or sleep, some pathetic human reason as per as usual.

I stared at the sky smiling softly, surrounded by my family. The family who would die for me and do anything to protect me. And if the roles were reversed, there is nothing I wouldn't do for them!

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