The Denali Coven - Twilight

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Summary: Y/N was adopted by the Cullens and two years later she finds out they are vampires. Injured and frightened, completely overrun by her emotions, she disappears; hiding in an alley as the Cullens frantically search for her.

I didn't know what was real or fake anymore.
How would you react if you found out the pale skinned monsters who drink blood do exist and the gentle echoe of wind is not your imagination but rather hair covered werewolves howling at the moon?
How would you react if every mythical monster you learnt about were actually real?

I stayed hidden; perched in a small hole in the fence, concealed by leaves and bushes.

I heard flying and rushed movements buzzing around me as the Cullens called my name.

"She's close. I can hear her heartbeat!" Edward informed everyone as they continued to search. I moved my hands so they were cupping my mouth so I could breathe quieter and took long, drawn out breaths to slow my heartrate. I shut my eyes so they wouldn't hear me blinking as my thoughts ran wild. After a while, their movements travelled away from me and I relaxed slightly.

I felt so paralysed with fear.
A coven of vampires who could kill me with one flick were hunting me down.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me and cool fingers brushed across my back.

They had found me.

I screamed and ran out of my hiding place and hurled myself down the alley, running as fast as I could. Fearful tears rushed down my face as I sobbed. I was terrified for my life.

They were chasing me.

I was cornered.

They walked towards me.

Their footsteps were slow and gentle as they approached me with their arms like a criminal approaching the police.

"We just want to help you." Esme said slowly and moved right in front of me as the others kept a little distance not wanting to scare me further. Her cool fingers rested against my shoulder before I punched and pushed her.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed as adrenaline tore through my veins.

Esme backed up and gave me some space as I desperately tried to think of a plan while I tried to convince myself my brain was playing some kind of cruel trick on me and hosting the most realistic nightmare to ever exist.

"Y/N, you're clearly in pain. You're limping. Let us help you and let us explain what you heard. It isn't what you think." Carlisle offered as he took one step towards me.

I looked down at the floor and saw my crooked ankle as I tried to get myself out of this situation.

I couldn't run towards them. They'd grab me.

I backed up and my back hit the wall. My fingers brushed across the wall and I felt several cracks and holes in the wall big enough for me to be able to climb this wall.

I turned quickly and jumped up the wall. It was about seven foot tall so I was capable of climbing it. I moved up a couple inches before cool arms wrapped around my waist.

I screamed and kicked as they pulled me away from the wall.

"Let me go! Please! Get off! Help me! Help!" I shrieked as Alice's cool arms held me tightly. She moved me away from the wall and pulled me onto her lap, my face in her neck as I sobbed. I punched her chest as I screamed.

"It's ok. Ssh. Ssh. Everything will be ok." She soothed and rubbed my back, keeping me in place.

"Move her hair Alice." Carlisle instructed as he walked over with a syringe.

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