Panic Attack - Stranger Things

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Summary: Y/N has a panic attack in front of her physic friend Eleven, Max, Nancy and Robin who help comfort her.

"Breathe, breathe," hushed Nancy as she clutched my hands trying to slow my racing heart down. She wrapped her arms around me, looking for help, not knowing what to do. Robin, El and Max were running towards us.

Tears continued to run down my face as I clutched at Nancy's hands trying to control my breathing.

She was here.

The three girls collapsed onto the floor, forming a shield of security around me.

"What's wrong with her?" Max asked with fear coating all of their faces as I wheezed for breath.

"It's a panic attack." Robin said as she picked up my fingers and ran her other hand up and down my back.

I leant my head down to the floor, embarrassed as I did everything to try and calm down.

My breathing began to slow ever so slightly but the attack raged on, taking control of every part of my body. Nausea overwhelmed my stomach as I became completely overwhelmed.

It felt like I was going to die!

El shuffled towards Nance on her knees and whispered something like "Should I..."

Nancy nodded before she finished.

El turned to me and lifted my chin up with her finger, so I was looking right at her. "Try to relax ok. Don't fight it!" She said calmly.

I sniffled and choked on my tears as I tried to clear my throat to talk. "Don't!" I whimpered, begging her not to. I knew what was going to happen!

"Robin," El instructed as she sat cross legged in front of me.

"Please don't," I begged Robin as she wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"Everything's going to be ok," She soothed as she approached me.

"No! Don't!" I said as loud as I could but it just sounded like a whimper.

Robin wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her lap with my back facing El. I tried to get out of her strong grip. Her arms wrapped around my back as her hand gently pushed my head onto her shoulder. Her fingers tangled themselves into my hair as she hushed and soothed me with her comforting words.

Nancy crawled over as did Max as they tried to keep me calm and relaxed so the powers would relax me faster and easier.

I could feel the wisps of her powers entering my body. My heart rate began to slow down as her powers sedated me.

I fought the powers as much as I could, absolutely terrified of everything that was happening.

Usually, if I relaxed, the powers would have only taken a few seconds but because I was fighting it, it took a solid minute.

I could feel my eyes beginning to close without my permission. My body was too weak to pull them back open.

"Is she gone?" El asked.

"Yeah." Max replied as Nancy brushed the stray hairs out of my face and curled them around my ear.

"Now all we've got to do is get her out. Tell that teacher there. She's a sucker for everything. She won't ask anything and will let us leave with her." El instructed as Max and Nancy went to go tell the teacher.

I could feel El's cool breath in my ear as she whispered sweet apologies.

Suddenly, I realised why she was apologising!

At this point, I was only in a sleep like trance so I could still hear and feel everything but as she apologised I felt the tingles of her powers entering my body once again.

She was sedating me fully and I couldn't do anything to stop.

I was knocked out.

I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked around. The moonlight streamed through the curtains, bouncing around the room. Robin was napping on a sofa near my bed with Max curled up next to her, El was sat on the little space left on the sofa and Nancy was sprawled across a small chair close to my bed as she desperately tried to stay awake. Her fingers were clutching mine tightly, almost like if she were to let go for even a second, I'd disappear.

I shook her hand lightly and she tiredly opened her eyes. She beamed at me after she saw I was awake.

"You're awake! How do you feel?" Nance said as she began fussing over me.

El walked over and sat next to Nance on my bed as Nancy lifted her fingers to feel my forehead.

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed as I giggled at how overprotective Nance was.

"Sorry," El mumbled as her eyes filled with tears.

I sat up quickly, causing a wave of dizziness to wash over me but I fought past it and threw my arms around El. She wrapped her arms around me as she buried her face in my hair. "Thank you! You helped me. You saved me. Thank you!" I said loudly as I rubbed her back with my hand and played with her hair.

El pulled her away after a few seconds and stood up. "I'll go tell your family, you're awake!" El said as she left the room but not before she nodded at Nance.

"How do you feel Y/N/N?" Nance asked again.

"My head feels a bit fuzzy but apart from that fine." I answered. "What time is it?"

She looked at her watch before pulling her sleeve over it again. "3am," she cleared her throat as she spoke. "Go back to sleep sweetheart," she said as she curled my hair around my ear before gently caressing my cheeks. I leant into her touch slightly.

I shook my head as I replied. "I'm not tired," I said while supressing a yawn.

One yawn and she wouldn't let me do anything but sleep.

I pulled the duvet off of me and stood up.

My legs gave way and Nancy jumped up and caught me before I could hit the floor.

"Whoops! Stood up too fast," I chuckled making Nance laugh and roll her eyes as I stood up properly. I grabbed my phone which was near the sofa, being careful not to wake Max and Robin.

"Shit!" I said.

"What's wrong?" Nancy replied as she walked over to me.

"Over 300 texts from people at school who now think I'm dead," I explained as I showed her the variety of notifications. Nancy laughed as she picked up her phone too.

"Jeez, anyone would think I just killed you!" She laughed again as I scrolled through the millions of texts.

Eventually, I got sick of responding to anyone and the millions of questions being asked so I just turned my phone off.

El walked back in and shot an unconvincing fake smile.
She was hiding something.

"Nancy, can I talk to you?" El asked, refusing to look at me.

They shut the door and I could hear their muffled whispers.

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