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After a little bit, they finally made it to Butters' house. Butters knocked on the door, a man opening it as he saw the two boys. "Butters, who is this?" the man asked. "He's gonna help me with my math homework!" Butters exclaimed. "Well, alright then, make sure he helps you do it or you're grounded!" the man ordered. "Y-Yes sir!" Butters quickly walked Kenny into his house, going upstairs to his bedroom. "Sorry about that...my dad can be a little mean sometimes," Butters explained. They both walked into his bedroom, Butters closing the door as Kenny stood by his desk. Butters then came and sat on the small, rollie-chair he had. He grabbed his math homework and a pencil to write with. "I'm all set! Wait, what did your friends say your name was?" Butters asked as he look at Kenny.

"Mph mfph mmrph mrph!" (Translation: "My name is Kenny!"), Kenny said. "Wow! Neat name! Geez, I never heard someone named Kenny before!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny smiled, even though Butters couldn't see it because of his orange parka hood covering most of his face. Kenny stood beside Butters, looking at the math problems that were on the paper. Most of the questions consisted of multiplication and division. Kenny sort of knew how to do it, since he sometimes pays attention in class. Trying his best, he helped Butters with every question. "This question says, 'What is 5 x 2?'...Hm, do you know what it could be?" Butters asked. Kenny used his brain and got to thinking. "Hmm...mfph mrph mph...mm...mfph," (Translation: "Hmm...I think it's...um...10,"), Kenny said. He just guessed, not knowing that he was actually right. "Ok! I'll put 10 on there. Geez, I hope you're right, Kenny!" Butters said.

Kenny nervously nodded. He thought to himself, thinking that if Butters would get a bad grade, it would be his fault for not being right for some questions. He hated thinking about it. "Well, thanks a lot, Kenny! I'm glad you helped me!" Butters said, Kenny escaping his thought. He nodded in response. Then, a light thud was heard as Butters and Kenny turned to see Butters' mother, standing in the open doorway. "Butters, did you finish your homework yet?" his mother asked. "Yep! I sure did!" Butters said. "Okay, well your father needs to see you real quick, so make sure you put your homework in a safe place before you leave your room," his mother said. "Ok, mom!" Butters' mother left as he stuck his homework in the desk's drawer.

"C'mon Kenny, let's go downstairs!" Butters said, Kenny following him as they both left the bedroom. They then went downstairs, Butters seeing his father on the couch, reading the daily newspaper. "Thank you a lot for helpn' me, Kenny! I could've never have done it without you! Geez, you sure are smart!" Butters exclaimed, giving Kenny a precious smile. "Mfph mrph!" (Translation: "You're welcome!"). They both walked to the front door, Kenny opening it as he was about to leave. "Bye, Kenny! See ya at school tomorrow!" Butters said, waving. Kenny waved back, closing the front door as he left. Butters then went to his father, seeing what he wanted. "Hey there, dad!" Butters exclaimed, sitting next to him. "Oh, hello Butters. Your mother told me that you got your homework done," his father said. "Yep!" Butters nodded. "Well, since your little buddy helped you with it, I bet you're going to get a good grade, right?" his dad looked right at him without a flinch. 

"Yep! I bet I'll pass! My friend Kenny is really smart!" Butters said. "Good, because if me and your mother found out that you get a bad grade and that you were lying, you will be grounded longer this time! Understand?" his father asked. "Y-Yes sir.." Butters looked down a bit. He walked away from his dad and went upstairs, back to his room. Closing his door, he then got in his bed and laid there. "Geez, I hope I get a good grade...I don't wanna be grounded again..." Butters talked to himself, looking up at the ceiling. He looked at the window beside him, noticing that it was getting late. "Oh geez! It's getting late! Gotta get ready for bed!" Butters got off his bed and went to his closet and got out his white pajamas with different colored polka dots on it. He quickly ran out of his bedroom to brush his teeth in the bathroom. Once done, he returned back to his bedroom, closing the door as he jumped in his bed. He got all comfy and closed his eyes, slowly going to sleep.



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