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When Mr. Garrison was done, all the students got together with their partners. "Hey, Kenny! Come sit here by me!" Butters said, tapping the seat next to him. Kenny got up, walking to the seat before he sat down. "S-So, uh, what do you wanna do for the poster?" Butters asked. Kenny thought as Butters began to think as well. "Hm...oh! How about we do one about one of those, uh, wars?" Butters asked. Kenny nodded. "Ok then!" Butters exclaimed. He grabbed the nearest box of crayons as Kenny brought over a permanent marker. "Alrighty, let's start!" Butters said, Kenny making big, bolded letters with his permanent marker. Then, Butters used different colors as Kenny helped out with that as well. Butters used green, blue, and purple crayons while Kenny used red, orange, and yellow crayons. After the many, many minutes of drawing and coloring, they were finally done. "Yay! We finished! Let's go show the teacher!" Butters said with glee as him and Kenny went to Mr. Garrison. Mr. Garrison then focused his gaze on the two boys standing in front of his own desk. "Oh, you two done already?" Mr. Garrison asked. "Yep, we sure are!" Butters said, Kenny nodding in. "Hm, okay then. Hope it looks good when I look at it later after school," Mr. Garrison said. "It sure will!" Butters replied. Then the two boys went back to their desks.

"Oh geez, I hope the teacher likes the poster!" Butters said, rubbing his knuckles together. Kenny took notice as Butters looked at him. "O-Oh, uh, y-yeah I do that when I get a bit nervous," Butters explained, Kenny now looking up at him. Kenny became somewhat curious, so he came near close to Butters. He placed a hand on Butters' shoulder, looking at his black-pupiled eyes "Mfhmfm mph mrph mfph mrph," (Translation: "Everything is gonna be ok,") Kenny assured. Butters gave him a small smile. "O-Ok, thanks Kenny," Butters said. Suddenly, the bell rang. "C'mon Kenny! Let's get to our lockers!" Butters exclaimed, him and Kenny getting up and walking out the classroom. Once near the lockers, Butters went to his as Kenny went to his own. Then, Butters rushed over to Kenny. "Hey uh, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house when you're done getting your stuff together!" Butters said. "Mhm!" Kenny replied. "Alright then!" Butters smiled. 

"Aw, looks like Butters is inviting Kenny to make out," Cartman said, laughing a bit. "Huh?.." Butters looked confused. Kenny got away from his locker as he closed it, then looking at Cartman. All he did was look at him with his now furrowed, downward brows as he walked with Butters to the open entrance of the school. "Damn, Kinny is pissed off," Cartman said. "That's because you rip on him just for being with Butters!" Kyle replied. "Heh, yeah right. Believe me, I bet when they're together at Butters' house they definitely make out," Cartman stated. Kyle sighed. "Maybe it's probably because Kenny is just making a new friend," Stan said. "And that friend being Butters, who is a little pussy," Cartman said. "Whatever.." Kyle said, him and the two other boys walking out the school.


Butters and Kenny made their way to Butters' house. As they arrived, Butters knocked on the front door, it being opened as his father stood there. "Hey there, dad! Can my friend Kenny come in with me?" Butters asked. "Hm, alright Butters, but not for long because you're still grounded," his father said. "Yes sir.." Butters looked down a bit as him and Kenny went upstairs to his bedroom. They both went inside as Butters closed the bedroom door, Kenny sitting on his bed. Butters went over to Kenny, setting down his backpack. "I got some neat thingies to show ya!" Butters exclaimed. "Hm?" Kenny was now intrigued. Butters went over to his toy box, which was a dark blue box with yellow moons and stars scattered on it. He opened it up, grabbing out a few toys. He held the toys in his arms, bringing them over to Kenny. "I have three toys here, and I wanna show ya them!" Butters said. 

The first toy Butters showed was an orange T-Rex with dark orange stripes on it's back. "This dino can be a meanie sometimes, but he can be good little fella when he wants to be," Butter said. The second toy Butters had was a superhero figurine. It had short, blonde hair with a red hero suit. "This hero saves the day all the time! He even fought the dino a few times too because the dino was being a meanie," Butters said. Kenny thought it was kind of adorable that Butters had such an open imagination. And the last toy Butters had was a simple, orange and dark magenta striped ball. "This ball can bounce real high, but only if it's on good ground. If not, it won't bounce!" Butters explained. Kenny looked at the ball and the two other toys. "But, I was wondering if I could, uh...t-that uh, I-I could give you one of my toys!" Butters said. Kenny's yes widened just a bit. He wasn't expecting this. "Y-Yeah! You don't have to give me any money or anything, you can pick which toy you want!" 

Butters laid out the three toys. Kenny inspected them. Afterward, he decided to pick the superhero figurine. "Oh! Good choice! Here ya go!" Butters said with glee, giving Kenny the toy. Kenny held onto to it while looking at it. Suddenly, Butters' father opened up his bedroom door. "Butters, it's time for your friend to go home now," his father said. "Aw, b-but dad, can he stay a bit longer?" Butters asked. "No, he's going to go home now, you're still grounded, remember?" his father reminded him. "O-Oh...y-yeah...well, bye Kenny! See ya tomorrow at school!" Butters smiled cutely as he waved. Kenny got off Butters' bed, his smile hidden by his parka as he waved back. He walked out of Butters room as Butters' father closed the door. Butters sighed as he laid down on his bed with his two toys. "I hope Kenny likes his new toy," Butters said, thinking about Kenny the rest of the day.



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