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Now was the dawn of South Park. The sky a dark shade of blue, fading with black. The shining, white stars, around with the transparent, dark gray patchy clouds. And, of course, the glistening, milky colored moon. Tonight was the nights for a certain team of superheroes called Coon and Friends. Their lair was at Cartman's house, particularly the basement. As each hero arrived one by one, Cartman, who was The Coon, sat in a chair at the end far end of the long, white table in front of him. When about everyone was seated, it was time to begin. But, before The Coon could speak, someone else spoke. "Hey uh, when are we going to see the Freedom Pals again?" asked Craig, his hero name being 'Super Craig'. "We are NOT going to see them again. I already had an argument with them already last week," The Coon said. "But I want to see Tweek when we play superheroes, I promised him that we could," Super Craig replied. 

"Damn it Craig! I told you, we can't make promises with them," The Coon said. As him and Super Craig kept talking to each other, Kyle, also known as Human Kite, notice something was off. Looking around, he finally found out. "Has anyone seen Butters?" Human Kite asked. The Coon and Super Craig stopped talking as them and the rest of the heroes looked at Human Kite. "What?" The Coon asked. "Have any of you seen Butters?" Human Kite asked again. "He's in the Holding Cell, like always," as The Coon looked over at the cell, he was in sort of in shock. Butters wasn't in the cell. 

"What?! Where's Professor Chaos?!" The Coon shouted, referring to Butters' villain name. "I'm not sure, that's why I asked if any of you seen him," Human Kite said. "M-M-Maybe he's at h-h-home," Jimmy replied, also known as Fastpass. "Do you think he got sick?" Clyde asked, also known as Mosquito. "No one gets sick that quickly, Mosquito! Something is wrong, Butters should be here by now!" The Coon said, slamming his fist on the white table. "Calm down, Cartman. Maybe something else is going on," Human Kite replied. "Do you think we should go and see for ourselves?" Mosquito asked. "If that's our only option, then let's go," The Coon said. "Wait, can we invite the Freedom Pals to help us out?" Super Craig asked. "Craig, I literally just said WE CAN'T! The Freedom Pals aren't going to help us! They're fucking pussies!" The Coon replied with a bit of an angry undertone. "Come on, Cartman, give them a chance! Also, Kenny is in that group. He can help us out, since he's Butters' closest friend," Human Kite explained. The Coon angrily sighed. "Alright, fine...let's go," The Coon said, him and the rest of the heroes getting up from their chairs as they all headed out the basement.


Once the Coon and Friends made their way, they finally made it to where the Freedom Pals' base was, which was inside Tolkien's big house. "Okay guys, we have to be careful when we go inside a black person's house," The Coon said. "Shut up fatass and just go inside!" Human Kite shouted quietly. The Coon opened up the front door slowly, carefully walking inside as his teammates did as well. As they all searched around, The Coon noticed the Freedom Pals' base door. "Guys! I found it!" The Coon said, slowly opening the door as his teammates were behind him. The Coon saw the Freedom Pals, talking to each other in their base. "There they are...those little pussies," The Coon said. But, even though he said it quietly, one of the Freedom Pals managed to hear it. Stan, also known as Toolshed, turned his head to see The Coon peeking through the doorway. "The Coon and Friends are here!" Toolshed announced. 

The rest of the Freedom Pals members looked, seeing it was true. "What? They are? Well, bring them down here then," Timmy, also known as Doctor Timothy, said using his mind. Toolshed came up the wooden stairs as he signaled his hand for the Coon and Friends to come. And so, they did, each hero going down the stairs as they were now really inside the Freedom Pals' base. "Why are you here?" Doctor Timothy asked. "...We came here for your help..." The Coon said, not wanting to admit it. "Huh, really? I thought The Coon and Friends did missions alone," Tolkien, also known as Tupperware, stated. "Look, I know we usually don't do this, but we have a serious problem," The Coon said. "What is it?" Toolshed asked. "Professor Chaos isn't in the Holding Cell," The Coon said. The Freedom Pals were in shock. "He escaped again? How?" Toolshed asked. "No he's, uh, literally not here," The Coon replied. This caught Kenny's attention, which in this case would be Mysterion's. 

"He's not here at all?" Mysterion asked in his signature, deep, throaty voice. "No, but we think that he could be in his house," Human Kite guessed. Mysterion thought for a moment. "...I'll help you find him," Mysterion said. The Coon tried to hold in his snickering as the rest of his team and the other members of the Freedom Pals looked at him with confusion. "Wait, you want to go by yourself? But what about us?" Toolshed asked, coming near Mysterion. "No...I'll be going alone this time," Mysterion assured. "Uh, ok then," Toolshed said, still unsure. "Come on, let's go," Mysterion said, leaving the Freedom Pals base, the Coon and Friends following behind. "Man, something is up with Mysterion. He never really just goes alone like that, especially just leaving us here to do nothing," Toolshed stated. "Yeah, you have a point," Tupperware replied. "I-IS HE GONNA- AGH- BE OK?!- AGH-" Tweek, also known as Wonder Tweek, asked in a panicky and jumpy manner like always. "Yes, he will be alright. Mysterion is strong, he knows what he's doing," Professor Timothy stated. But, not knowing, it was going to be a long night ahead for the Coon and Friends and the Freedom Pals.



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