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Throughout the school day, Butters would try to get Kenny's attention, asking him if he was alright since. Every time, Kenny would just angrily look at Butters and walk away, not even responding to him at all. Butters small heart was shattered into pieces, seeing the one he loves angry at him for the first time ever. During lunch, Butters sat at the lunch table that him and Kenny would sit at. But, instead of Kenny sitting with him, he sat at with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman. Butters couldn't believe it, looking down at his lunch food sadly, a tear falling from his right eye. "He...H-He doesn't love me...a-anymore..." Butters said quietly, now his eyes filling up with tears. He then cried as he ate some of his lunch, looking at Kenny from time to time. Kenny was hanging out with his friends all day after lunch, Butters being left alone. But, when the end of the school came along, Kenny was curious to see what Butters was doing. As he tried to find Butters, he saw him by his locker, still crying hard as he grabbed his stuff. Kenny felt very, very bad, but Butters made him get called out, so he just turned away. "...H-He doesn't l-love m-m-me..." Butters said once again, Kenny actually hearing it. This made Kenny change, suddenly realizing how far he was taking this. He then turned back to Butters coming near him as he put his brown-gloved hand on Butters' turquoise coat. Butters stood there, then turned his head back to see the orange parka boy. "...K-Kenny?..." Butters said, still crying hard. Kenny saw his upset face, but he'd never seen him this sad before. He made a huge mistake, and this time he knew it.

"Mfph...mfph mrph mfph..." (Translation: "Butters...Butters I'm sorry..."), Kenny said. "B-...B-But I thought y-you don't l-l-love me anymore!.." Butters exclaimed, crying even more hard now. Kenny couldn't believe what he'd done. Seeing Butters this way made him feel so many things. "I-I JUST WANT LOVE, KENNY! I-I WANT L-LOVE!" Butters screamed, every student in the hallway staring at him now. Butters cried hard and loud, Kenny feeling like he was going to cry himself Kenny then grabbed Butters tightly as he hugged him. Butters hugged back deeply, Kenny calming Butters down. "Mfph mrph mfph mmrph mfph mrph, mfph," (Translation: "I will give you all the love in the world, Butters,"), Kenny said, smiling underneath his parka. Suddenly, Kenny lifted down the mouth part of his parka hood as he pressed his lips on Butters'. His tear filled eyes widened as he felt what he couldn't believe. Butters then closed his wet eyes, letting the kiss settle in. All the kids in the hallway gasped, and this made Stan, Kyle, and Cartman get their attention. Stan and Kyle were speechless as Cartman snickered so bad as he then laughed out loud like always. As the kiss slowly let apart, Butters wiped the tears from his eyes as he smiled brightly at Kenny, him doing the same. "...Wow...they do love each other..." Kyle said under his breath, Stan agreeing as he nodded slowly. Kenny then set his hand out, Butters taking it as they happily made it down the hallway and out the school front doors.


As they both walked down the sidewalk together, Butters was just filled up with happiness that Kenny was back and he couldn't contain it. Throughout the whole walk, he talked and talked about himself and Kenny. "I'm so happy that we're back together, Kenny! I missed ya a whole lot I thought ya left me!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny shook his head 'no', basically saying that he'd never leave him now. "I wanna stay with ya forever, Kenny!" Butters smiled cutely, Kenny smiling back underneath his parka. "So uh, whatcha wanna do now, Kenny?" Butters asked. As Kenny thought for a moment, Butters brain remembered something. "Oh yeah! I gotta get put some of my school thingies away before we do anything! If I don't, m-my dad said I'll be grounded!" Butters explained, him and Kenny walking fast to Butters' house. Once arriving, Butters opened the front door as him and Kenny made their way upstairs. But, someone decided to stop them in their tracks. "Butters, I've been noticing that you are your friends here have been together often," Butters' father said. "U-Uh, y-yeah! Me and Kenny here are best, best friends!" Butters exclaimed. "Are you sure you're not gay, Butters?" Butters' father asked. "Huh?" Butters questioned, having no idea what his father meant. As it was dead silent, Kenny just quickly shook his head 'no' as a response. "Well, I'm just making sure, Butters. You don't want to go back to that Gay Conversion Camp, do you?" Butters' father asked. "N-No sir!" Butters replied. "Hm, alright then," Butters' father continued his way down the stairs as Butters and Kenny went quickly upward to Butters' bedroom.

When they made it, Kenny closed the door as Butters went over to set his school backpack down. He opened it, getting out the supplies he needed to put away. Once done, Butters placed his backpack on his bed. "Alrighty, I'm all done! So, did ya think of anything ya like to do?" Butters asked. Kenny thought, using his mind to think. As what felt like minutes passed, Kenny had a great idea. "Mfph mrph mfph mmrph mrph?" (Translation: "How about we get something to eat?"), Kenny asked. "Sure! That's sounds great! But, where are we gonna go?" Butters asked. "Mmm..mrph mfph mph...mfph mmrph mph mmrph mrph?" (Translation: "Uh...maybe to uh...a Mexican restaurant or a Chinese restaurant?"), Kenny suggested. "Hm...uh...um...oh! Can we go to Bennigan's? That's my favorite restaurant ever!" Butters said. Kenny nodded in response as Butters cheered happily. "YAY! We get to go to Bennigan's! Yippie!" Butters was now super happy, Kenny enjoying seeing it. "C'mon! Let's go tell my dad first before we go!" Butters said, him and Kenny heading out of Butters' bedroom as they went downstairs to the living room. Once there, Butters came over to his father. "Hey, dad! Can me and Kenny go to Bennigan's?" Butters asked. "Hm, alright. I don't mind taking you, but you have to behave well, okay?" Butters' father assured. "Yep!" Butters nodded, his father grabbing the car keys as him, his son, and Kenny went out the front door.



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