Part 2: Chapter 75

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"Good morning, Flora," greeted Firdausi as she savored her coffee. She extended an invitation to Flora for a cafe hangout since they hadn't caught up in a while.

Flora settled into her seat, sporting a polo-neck sweater paired with bell-bottoms. Her wavy hair was tied up in a knot on top of her head, and her glasses sat elegantly on the bridge of her nose. "It's chilly!"

"Get yourself a coffee; you'll thank me later," suggested Firdausi, exuding happiness and relief.

"Where is all this coming from? This whole over-the-moon and cloud nine situation?" Flora inquired skeptically.

"I finally emerged victorious!" exclaimed Firdausi. "Umar, or should I say Barrister Umar, assisted me in handling the situation. He's currently in jail awaiting bail, having already paid half of the money."

"That's wonderful. You seem overly joyous though," remarked Flora, placing an order for a cup of mocha.

"Psst. Come here," Firdausi beckoned Flora with a subtle finger gesture. "Do you think I'd rock the look with makeup and dresses?"

"Oh! Now you're considering that idea. I've been urging you to change for years during high school, but he only entered your life a month ago, and you're already agreeing to everything he suggests," Flora lamented.

"Come on, Florence. I've been contemplating it. Making Nadia jealous is pointless since she's always occupied. However, I'm unsure how to convey this to him. I don't want it to seem like I used him and then discarded him," Firdausi expressed.

"I have work to attend to. I must depart as I've had my fill of listening to you," Flora declared as she rose, settling the bill before taking her leave.

"See you later, Florence," Firdausi waved before sinking into her seat.

She couldn't shake off the memory of the previous evening when Umar suggested a fashion transformation. A giggle escaped her lips, drawing curious looks from other customers.

In a rush, she headed to her car, with a mountain of tasks awaiting her at the company. Although now collaborating with Khalid, she was preparing to showcase her work at the gallery. Life was bustling but fulfilling.


"Here we go!" remarked Sumaiya, the pediatrician in charge of Sabrina, as she helped her with the insulin pump while the little girl lay on the bed.

"Wa alaikumusalam," greeted Islam as she entered.

"Wa alaikumusalam. You're welcome, madam," replied Sumaiya before leaving.

Approaching Sabrina, Islam gently caressed her. "You must be very tired from all of this, my girl."

"I'm sorry for making everybody worried," Sabrina said sweetly.

"It's not your fault. You should rest," Islam reassured her, planting a kiss on her cheek before heading off to get coffee.

Grabbing two cups, she knew Ali would be in the waiting room. Finding him there, looking anxious and tired, she greeted him with, "Salamualaikum," before sitting beside him and offering him the cup.

"Wa alaikumusalam. Thank you," he replied upon receiving it.

"You seem anxious and tired," she observed, glancing at the other patients milling about.

"I do? I was just making sure she's okay," Ali explained.

"You're a great dad. Sabrina is fortunate to have you," she complimented.

"Do you think I'm cruel and all of this is karma?" Ali inquired.

"No, not at all. You're one of the best people I've met," she reassured him.

"Thank you," he said, his gaze fixed on her before turning away. "Usman is lucky."

"No, I'm the lucky one to have him. Nothing in my life has ever been normal except for him," she reflected.

"As you wish," he replied before standing up to make his way to Sabrina's room. That was Ali for you - always leaving in the midst of an engaging conversation.

She, too, headed off to the supermarket as Tessie had requested her presence. She arrived promptly, unlike Tessie, who was notorious for her tardiness.

"Sorry I'm late," she apologized upon meeting Tessie.

"So, why are we here?" Tessie inquired.

"I want to purchase items we'll need for the bridal shower. Many of the guests have already booked their flights to attend," she explained.

"I understand, Taslim. So, what's on our shopping list?" she asked.

"We're getting food items, snacks, drinks - basically everything we'll need for everyone," she replied, deftly maneuvering the cart down the aisle and adding items as they moved along.

As Islam reached for the last jar of Nutella on the shelf, she caught a glimpse of Usman through a gap. He was charmingly settling a lady's bill, and she couldn't help but chuckle. When he noticed her, she swiftly abandoned the Nutella, beckoning Tessie to follow her.

"But we haven't even paid," Tessie remarked as Islam escorted her out of the supermarket.

"Hey, wait," called out Usman, who was standing in front of her. "What's your problem?"

"You're flirting with a random woman and you're asking me my problem?" she retorted, hands on her waist.

"Let me leave you two," said Tessie as she headed to the car.

"I just helped her pay her bill because she forgot her card," explained Usman.

"Well done, Mr. Kind," she said sarcastically.

"Don't talk to me that way, Islam. I'm not joking around," he said firmly.

"Fine," she replied, quickly walking to Tessie, hoping he would follow, but he didn't.

"You're taking things too far," Tessie remarked as she started the car and they drove off.

"It's my fault that I'm insecure," she shouted.

"Don't shout at me," Tessie shouted back.

"Stop the car," Islam ordered.

"No, I won't, and you don't have the right to order me around," Tessie called out.

"Whatever," she said, opening the door despite the risk, then jumped out of the car.



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