17 (RIP Moonbin)

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Kun's POV*

In the next couple of days we heard a sad news that Moonbin had passed away, my brother was so devastated because he lost his bestfriend, my brother won't come out of his room and I was getting worried, there have been reports saying Moonbin had suicide and some say he was sick. My brother didn't took well the news and won't talk to anyone, I tried calling his phone but he won't answer, when I knocked on the door he won't answer. It's been 3 days already and he was still the same and he wasn't eating too I was worried, what if I lose my older brother? Where will I go? What will happened to me? I don't want to lose my older brother, we have just got reunited a year ago, I still want to have more time with him, I talked to Shua about what I was feeling recently, he rest assured me that my brother is gonna be just fine and they're all gonna take care of me just in case something happens to my older brother. I went to my room and tried napping but as I thought I will be having a peaceful nap it was different I was having a nightmare. I was screaming so loudly and crying and I woke to someone shaking me, it was Jun, I was sweating too much and crying, I gave Jun a tight hug and told him about my dream, he told me it wasn't my first time having a nightmare, the night we left the orphanage when my brother got discharged from the hospital I was having a nightmare too and luckily for me my brother was there to wake me up. I felt so nervous and scared all of sudden and I asked Jun about my brother but he said it's still the same. So I cried so hard on Jun while he was hugging me, I was begging him to make my brother go out of his room, but it was no use, so I threatened to leave the house. Then I just grabbed my wallet and left the dorm without telling anyone, I did left my phone. I took a cab and went to the bus station, when I arrived at the bus station I waited for the bus to arrive, after 10 minutes the bus that is on its way to the airport arrived. When I arrived at the airport after an hour I brought a ticket to Jeju Island which was our hometown. After hours on the plane I finally arrived at Jeju Island, here they barely have cabs luckily there are some. I asked the Cab driver if he knew some place where I could stay the night, then he brought to a nice home that are welcoming 2-5 guest only the price is cheaper. The house was comfortable when the ahjumma and the ahjussi were very welcoming, once I got settled in Iay down for awhile and then went to the nearest grocery, there I brought some pjs and some shirts and shorts that I could use and some underwear then I brought a toothpaste and a toothbrush and I saw a small pouch so I took it aswell and paid for everything, outside there's a food stall which I tried, the price were cheap and the food were tasty, it's almost in the middle of the night so I went back to the house and again I was greeted by ahjumma and ahjussi, they're having some tea, they invited me for the tea which I gladly accept the offer, while having tea we're also having a lot of conversations,I learned about their love story and they even gave me some life advice. After tea I went back to the room I rent and just flopped into bed and falling asleep

Seungcheol's POV*

Jun was telling me how Kun wasn't around the house, he said the last time he saw her was an hour ago when she had a nightmare but when he came back to check on her, she isn't in her bedroom and Jun said he checked all the floors but no sign of Kun and Seungkwan still not opening his door. I went to Kun's bedroom to check and I saw she left her phones in her room but her wallet wasn't on her table. So I kicked Seungkwan's door as hard as I can, when it opened I saw Seungkwan laying on his bed crying, I gave him a whack on his arm and told him his sister was missing. Then Seungkwan suddenly went nuts and trying to scold me and I scold him back, we all went out and drive around town to look for Kun we split into 2 cars. We didn't find Kun so we just went back to the house, Seungkwan was totally messed cause not only his bestfriend died but also his sister went missing, we called YJ to ask if Kun was with them but YJ said he hasn't seen Kun since her late birthday celebration. We were all getting worried, so we went to the police station to report about Kun being missing but the police said it hasn't been 24 hours but Seungkwan was begging the police already so the police filed a missing report and they said they'll contact us if they have found her. All we can do is to go back to the dorm and hope and pray that Kun is alright no matter where she is. Seungkwan was blaming himself once again, no matter how much we tell him to calm down he won't calm down, he said he needed to find Kun immediately but he doesn't know where to start. We told him that the police are already looking for her but he said he needed to also go look for her. I smacked Seungkwan and made him calm down then he said he will just be in his room and just call him doen if there's an update

RIP Moon Bin, we still missed you every single day
01/26/98 - 04/19/23

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