9 (New Life?)

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Seungkwan's POV*

I woke up to the sound of coups hyung screaming on the top of his lungs. When we all arrived in the living room, coups hyung told us Kun is missing and her old stuffs and that he saw a letter in her study table. Coups hyung read the letter out loud so all of us can listen

"Dear Seungkwan and the boys
I bet as you reading this I am gone already, don't worry you all won't find me anymore, just continue to live your life how it used to be, I will be happy if you do that, please forget about me, please forget that I exist, Seungkwan please forget that you have found me, just act like you still haven't found me, oh before I forgot I left everything you guys gave me there in the bedroom were I used to stay, tell Seungcheol don't worry if he's gonna charge me I will be gladly ask someone to send in the rent money soon. I thought if I come with all of you, I will be finally happy but I was wrong, I was suffering from inside. No one noticed because no one cares, like literally no one cares cause no one even knew I existed except when you guys needed to scold me. Am I gonna miss you guys? Nope because we didn't shared any great memories, I will try to erase you all in my memory"

And after coups hyung reading that he pulled out another piece of paper that is torn apart from a note book and he read it out loud again

"My most hated part of my life is that I almost got raped before and all the foster I had were all abusive and let's not forget the bullying part where I get bullied by another orphan here. I had been traumatize and the fact that my older brother isn't here makes it worst and to think i'm only 8 when the abuse starting until i'm 16 and i'm 10 when I almost got raped and for all of my life the bully never stoped. I don't know anything about him but I bet if he was here those would never gonna happened to me. Those are what I wrote before I realize I haven't continued writing this because I was so hurt and in pained everything I said were true. But now I realize even if Seungkwan were there in those times the abuse from foster parents would never gonna happened but the attempt rape it will be for sure cause look where is Seungkwan now, leaving me always and not caring to check on me. Now I think being with my older brother is not a best idea cause he prioritize his career more than his own sister"

And after hearing everything I started crying, I didn't know my sister went through those dark moments in her life while me here enjoying my time with my members and the fans. I told the members I wanna call the orphanage and ask about my sister's old life there, I did and the miss gladly answered the phone, I put the phone on speaker phone so everyone can listen. Miss started telling us everything

"Okay so it first started when Kun was around 8 years old foster parents starting to care of her until she was 16 so different foster home weekly I didn't know all of those foster parents are all worst until when she was 16 in her last foster parents, she escaped from them, she said they tried drugging her and tried giving her alcohol and whenever she doesn't wanna do it they don't feed her, that's why she's very thin. Her other foster parents beats her that's what she said. And when she was 10 the school was so near here but when she's about to go home she got kidnapped and almost got rapped someone just saved her. She's been through a lot and have been suffering from anxiety and depression, that's why she can't be alone for too long. Poor child I was glad she finally found her older brother, I hope you're taking care of her because she's a fragile girl, she needs love and care"

I honestly don't know how to answer for that so coups hyung asked what happened to the foster parents and the kidnapper, the miss said only the last foster parents got in jailed but the rest doesn't and the kidnapper is still out there and hasn't been found, what if my sister is out there lost and what if my sister got kidnapped again. I feel bad for her and I hated myself for not giving her the love and cares she need, I really let our parents down. After the call I asked coups hyung to help me find my sister but he said let the managers and bodyguards handle it.

Kun's POV*

I woke up in a different environment, I immediately hurried myself to take a bath because I still have to go to work, As I take a bath YJ oppa knocking on the door saying breakfast is ready and if I don't hurry up I will also gonna be late for work. After showering I fixed my bag and myself and went to the dining area there I saw a lot of home cooked meals and I saw YJ oppa not yet done cooking, Kevin is really so lucky because he has the best older brother, his older brother cooking for him before going to his schedule. After breakfast we bid our goodbyes to YJ oppa, he was giving Kevin lectures like be careful on driving because you have a girl riding and he was saying there's money under the basket in kitchen just in case we want to have food delivery he was telling what time he is going home and he's gonna call just incase he needs to extend. I wish I had an older brother like him, he really looks out for Kevin. On the way to work me and Kevin just talking about my plans now that I have run away, I told him how I wanna go back to the orphanage and just helped Miss there cause it's much better there than here. I told him i'll just save money for my airplane ticket. Kevin said he will support my plans if going back to America will make me happy, at this point honestly I don't know what will make me truly happy, I feel like there's a missing piece in my life. When we got there in the cafe I immediately get to work. Today's check Doyoung of NCT went back here and I must say he is so handsome and sexy, and very cute, Doyoung remembered and even gave me his autograph. May have gotten a tip from him already but having his autograph is best, after work we immediately went home because Kevin has an early online class which is fine by me, when we got home Kevin immediately set up his laptop on his room while me on the other hand hanging around in the spare bedroom where I am currently staying. Time to time YJ oppa leave text messages to Kevin to ask how's he, if he eaten already and done doing his school works, according to Kevin this is too normal because his brother is always like that, it's not that he doesn't trust Kevin he just wanna make sure his younger brother is alright. At night time around 9pm YJ oppa arrived as he told Kevin and he brought pizza and some popcorn and diet coke he said we will have a movie marathon on Netflix, I was happy because this is the first time I will experience something like this, something like spending time with a family, YJ oppa is like an older brother, he was so caring and super sweet, he value his family, I would say he is my role model, he's definitely a definition of a perfect older brother. For the whole night we watch netflix movies actually we just watch his sitcom him and Kevin made me watch it luckily there's subtitles and we finished it in just 1 night, I must say the sitcom was so funny I love how funny he is I just hope they gave him more screen time because he's definitely a good actor. Around 3am when we finally went to bed I must say I went to sleep being happy for the first time in years. I hope these kind of moments will never gonna go away

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