Chapter 18

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Naomi's POV
" I ran up to her room. Flung the door open and saw her crying on the floor with her knees to her chest.

"Sam what's wrong?" She muttered it out in between sobs. I couldn't believe it.

Dean, Sam's boyfriend, had SLAPPED Sam across the face. That son of a bitch.

"Samantha, you have to break up with him. You can't let a guy do this to you once he does it one time he knows you won't do anything so he just does it again and again." I tried to be sympathetic and calm for her sake but inside I was bubbling with anger.

"Call him and tell him to meet you at the café and that you want to talk to him. And no matter how much he tells you he's sorry or that he loves you and didn't mean it you still break up with him because you're always there for him when HE needs you but when you need him he's too busy or hanging out with friends. Come on go dump that son of a bitch he doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah you know what I an tired of all of his bull shit. I'm gonna go dump his sorry butt right now."

She called him it rung three times every time a little more tension grew in the room. he answered.

"Hey um Dean meet me at the café by 123 st in 10 minutes. We have to talk about something."

Surprisingly he agreed and we were off I was going too because you know moral support. We walked to the café and Dean came in 5 minutes after us. I was sitting at another table.

Dean had tried to go in for a kiss but Sam avoided him. He said what's up and what did sam want to talk about. Then Sam said that since he hut her that it was unacceptable and totally unchivalrous of him and that she was tired of being treated like dirt. Then Dean said but I love you and I promise I won't do it again. But Sam said no that that's it that she doesn't care, that this was crossing the line. Then she said bye and left.

After that we went to her house and hung out, ate food, and watched movies I helped her Wallow. I slept over.

The next morning I woke up and went home because Brooklyn was coming over today. He was coming over with Brad. He got here around 10ish. I hugged him and told him about Sam. Then he said that that's really unmanly of him because men shouldn't hit women and that he would never do that to me.

We went to Sam's house with Brad and we got her to get out of the house. We went to the movies and Brad and Sam were really hitting it off. They were laughing and talking through out the whole day. Maybe this was gonna be good for Sam.

Next week Brooklyn and Brad came over again. Brad immediately asked for Sam. She was on her way here. Brooklyn and I spoke about how are week had gone

Sam came here and before I could get to her Brad hugged her and said Hi. Then I did and Brooklyn said hello. We went out to eat and Brooklyn invited me to Coachella. I'm not one much for Coachella, to be completely honest I think that it would be fairly redundant for me to go. But I said yes because it was a chance to spend three days with my boyfriend. Brad also invited Sam.

After the boys left, Sam stayed behind because she said she wanted to talk to me. I got us some coffee and sat on my couch.

"Okay tell me everything."

"I really like Brad."

"Oooo proceed."

"Okay so he told me today that he liked ME."

"Which any single guy should."

"Anyways I told him that I also liked him. And we maybe kinda sorta.... kissed."


"Okay so.. We were by the lake and he just leaned in and kissed me really nice by the way and then be said Sam I really like you. then I said I really like you too. and we kissed again."

"Oh. My. God. That's so adorable!"

After that eventful day I texted Brooklyn and we talked how each of our friends described the moment and it was kinda funny. I love how with Brooklyn it's like I'm dating my best friend. We can talk about anything and do anything in front of each other but we still get to make out. 

Couple of weeks passed and Brad and Sam are officially dating. It's so cute they're like all cute couply in front of everyone and Sam's parents approve but most importantly I approve.

The time I was dreading ,Coachella, came around. The only reason why I am going is to amuse Brooklyn because he loves that thing and I mean what a relationship is all about going to stuff the other person loves just to make them happy. That's what love is all about 👍🏼. How many times has he come to the mall with me. My point exactly.

And after a long plane ride to California we were finally here. And everybody was wearing loose baggy clothes and some almost half naked. Oh boy this was gonna be fun. (Note sarcasm)

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