Chapter 19

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Naomi's POV
It was summer in New York now. School was out and the days were so hot! But now I get spend more time with Brooklyn even though during the year I tutored him in Math, English, and History. So anyways today I am on my way to Brooklyn's house. I got to Brooklyn's, we kissed and he sat me down because he wanted to speak to me about something.

"Okay so are you ready for my proposition?"

"I mean it depends if you're going to ask me to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge with you. I just might have to think about that one."

"No no no. But good to know you will think about it. I was going to ask you if you wanted to make a YouTube channel with me! Before you say no I wanted to do something with you for the summer that could be really fun and I want to get to know my I guess you can say "fans"."

"Yeah sure of course."

"Awesome so let's tweet saying to ask us some questions and we can start with a Q&A."

"Okay but like won't people ask like why?"

"Yeah but we don't have to say anything."

"True true. So what will be our like YouTuber name."

"Um I don't know you think of that."

"Ok how about Cupcake and Jelly Bean!"

"Oh my god that's perfect Naomi!"

"Well thank you." and I bowed.

So we tweeted and people sent in questions and stuff some asked why and stuff. So we thought we had enough questions and we started.

"Hello and Welcome I am Naomi and this is." I pointed and Brooklyn and he said his name and I continued, " and now that you know our names sit back a relax and have a cup of bacon."

"Okay so today we are answering some questions from Twitter and yeah." said Brooklyn

"First question. Who is your celebrity crush?" Brooklyn asked

"Oh I know this one. Pick me!"

"Um ok Naomi."

"Thank you. You, you are my celebrity crush."

"Aww sweetie that's so cute. You're my celebrity crush too."

"Lies. I'm not a celebrity so you can't pick me."

"Okay fine um Eva Longoria."

"Aha I knew it!"

"Okay next question before I get in trouble. How long have you and Naomi been dating?"

"It's been a bit over a year now." we both said that simultaneously.

"Ok Who is your #WCE?"

Brooklyn said, " Naomi. Like seriously look at how BEAUTIFUL you are!"

"Aww thanks babe. My is Ruby Rose. Can we take a moment to appreciate. she is so beautiful."

And the video went on with questions like that and stuff.

So Brooklyn and I film the videos and our intro usual consisted of:   "Hello and Welcome I am Naomi and this is." I point at Brooklyn and he says his name and I continue , " and now that you know our names sit back a relax and have a cup (or bowl of) and then I say some food that pops into my head.

It was around October when Brooklyn and I had been invited to Playlist Live. I was a pretty big deal. However Brooklyn had some fashions shows he had to go to with his mom so I went for the both of us.

There I met Mikey Murphy from YouTube. We talked and we hung out. It was really fun. We made a truth or dare video. We had so much fun. I had posted pictures on Instagram and Twitter and Brooklyn saw them and he would text me or call me almost every 5 minutes.

Once I left playlist I told Mikey, my apparently new best friend, bye and that we should hang out again soon.

I was back in New York and Brooklyn picked me up in the airport. He had taken me home. I got home around 2 so parents were at work and Jackie was at a friends house today.

"So tell me how was playlist. I saw you made some new friends."

"Yeah I was really fun Brook but I think it would have been better if you were there."

"Lets cut to the chase, Naomi. What's up with this Mikey Murphy guy huh?"

"What's wrong with him. He seamed sane to me."

"Don't get all sarcastic with me I know that's you but can be serious for 5 seconds?"

*5 seconds later*

"There those were 5 seconds. Now what's up with you why are you going all psycho boyfriend on me? Oh did you eat something in London that made you like this. I know how upset your stomach can get with certain foods."

"Shut up and stop acting all innocent!"

"Brooklyn if you tell me what this is about maybe I can give you a logical explanation."

"You have been hanging out with this Mikey guy. Are you cheating on me? What is he of yours? What happened at playlist?"

"First, I am NOT cheating on you. I would never ever do that why would I when I have the best, most thoughtful, and hottest boyfriend in the world. Second he's just a friend. I swear. And Third nothing that you should be concerned about happened at playlist."

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be."

"Okay. I love you did you know that?"

"Really I think you've only told me a million times."

"Oh be quiet and lets order some pizza."

"Why would I cheat on you when you buy me food."

"Shut up and tell how everything went and what you did."

"Ok so..."


Hey guys so here you go. Again thank you for reading. I think there is only like 2 chapters left well that I have planned to write. Stay tuned.

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