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Lili's POV :

I was awake all night. Just thinking. About how I am jealous of Tiger. Everyone loves her. And I guess I want them to love me too.  I'm so selfish.

I shouldn't have cut. But I cant take it back. I'm going to have to tell them sooner, or later. I can't hide it. I need someone to be there for me. And someone who doesn't run to the cuter person.

I can't sleep. That's clear now.

I slowly slip out of bed. Carefully making my way down the hall. I was hoping I could be alone. But nope. Why?

Niall is there. He's running his hands through his blond hair. Like he is frustrated. Something is going on. And I have the feeling he is not going to tell me. I think.

I squeaked. I think he jumped a foot in the air. Probably saw Jesus.

"Don't do that." He said plopping on the couch. Do what? Is he mad at me? Oh. God. He's mad.

"I'm not mad." He said reading my mind. I guess he knew because I became afraid. Thinking he is going to hit me. But he doesn't.

" Come here." He said pointing to the opposite end of the couch. I sat. Very awkwardly I might say. Still afraid. I'm not going to cry. I'm am smart. I'll do what he says. That's something that was very painful to learn.

"Let's see your wrist." I was hesitant. This could possibly be the most disastrous thing I've ever done. But i had no choice. Niall's eyes traveled to my wrist. He wasn't mad, he is hurt. I don't know why.

Why would he care about me? I cut just because I want to. I'm a mess.

"Why?" He asked quietly. I didn't answer. I just pulled my wrist away and turned. I am not in the mood. But Niall. He had different plans.

He grabbed my waist, and pulled me to his lap. I didn't want to sit there. But he is holding me in place. So I stop struggling, eventually.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again. Why?" He stared into my eyes. I didn't want to answer so I just shrugged.

His eyes narrowed.

It was hilarious. Sorry not the time.

I will never tell him. "Please. " He begged. I sighed. 

I wasn't going to tell him.  I know he read my diary.  It wasn't where I put it.  In fact, I couldn't find it.

I tried to get up. But Niall stopped me. "Let me go!" I screamed. But he wouldn't. He picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.

I kept fighting, and screaming till we got to his room. He locked the door, and put me down. I gave up. He's not going to let my go. I won't tell him.

He looked angry. I got scared so I ran to the corner. He came closer. So I got in a ball, and started crying.

Wow. My teenager self.

His expression changed. "I'm not going to hurt you." He wispered. Then we heard a knock at the door.

The boys came in, and I was still curled up. They looked worried. I stopped crying. But I started rocking myself. I want them to leave me alone. But nooooo. They had other plans.

"What's wrong, love?" Louis asked. I didn't do anything. So Niall and Louis started whispering. I hate it when people don't tell me stuff.

I kept rocking.  It was taking everything in me not to have a panic attack.  I didn't want to tell them.  Never.

Louis came and sat in front of me.  The other three stared.  I whimpered and tried to curl away from him.  Louis gripped my shoulders and I cried out.

"Why do you hurt yourself?" Zayn whispered gently.  He came closer in a crouch.  I shook my head vehemently.  Louis rubbed my back gently.

"I just, I feel like I make such a scene all the time.  I'm a mess." I choked out.  Louis loosened his grip and I took the chance to crawl away.

"No!" Harry's thick accent rang through my ears.  I bolted out of the room like my life depended on it.

Attention whore. A voice whispered in the back of my head.

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