Chapter 5

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Elsa and Richard were in his cabin and Mark and Derek were not allowed in.
Addison went towards Cheif's cabin and she went in.
"How could she get to go and we don't?" Mark said.
"You go and try to listen what they are saying" Derek ordered the interns.
Elsa hugged Addison when she came in.
"They are laughing." Derek said wanting to know what has been happening inside.
"Addison is not even her friend and she's letting her in and not me, her brother,her big brother"Mark said stressing over brother.
Addison came out after a few minutes and Richard and Elsa stayed in his cabin. "They are still here aren't they?"Elsa asked. Richard nodded positivly.
"Bring Liam and wait outside" Elsa ordered Allison looking at her and Allison nodded and went off.
After a while a man in black with over six feet of height with a good built walked in and stood in front of Richard's cabin .
"Who's this guy even?"Mark asked.
"Her bodyguard?" Derek asked.
"El and bodyguard is like an impossible thing. She never had them before,why would she have them now?"Mark said amusingly.
"There were many  things that I thought were impossible that has been made possible and it's just a bodyguard Mark ,we don't know what else is changed. So don't keep your hopes high Mark."Derek said hoping that he is proved wrong.

In Richard's cabin they signed some papers and Richard handed her over her pager. "It's nice to have you onboard Dr Smith" Richard said shaking hands with her. "Likewise Chief" Elsa replied and they came out of his cabin. As soon as she came out Derek and Mark went towards her and Mark said " Now you have to come with us." But before he could take her hand Liam came in between. "What the hell!!"Derek said irritated. "Adams it's okay" Elsa said to Liam and he moved back. "This is Uncle Henry's son Liam Adams." Elsa answered the question in their eyes. Henry Adams was David Smith's right hand man. "El, Can we talk?" Mark asked. "Listen Mark I really have to be somewhere and I flew from Japan to come here. I'm here only, We will have plenty of time to talk. Why don't we talk after surgery tomorrow and this is the hotel address I am staying at " Elsa replied handing him over the card. "Why are you even here?" Derek said annoyed and went from there. Elsa kept looking at him with moist eyes. "He will come around. He is just hurt ."Mark said comforting her. " Are you?" Elsa asked. "What ?"Mark asked not understanding the question. "Hurt ?Are you hurt? " Elsa said answering his question. "Hurt no , I was a little angry but after seeing you I am not. You are my little baby, I can never be angry and hurt with you. It just takes your smile to wash away every hurt and anger." Mark replied taking her in a hug and kissing her forehead.
"Listen I have been meaning to ask you something"Mark said.Elsa nodded in the hug. "Do I have to kick someone's balls?" Mark asked. Elsa slapped him on the chest and said laughing "I am not telling you that." and just then Dr. Bailey came.
"Dr. Smith " she said and Elsa looked at her. "I am Miranda Bailey. It's a pleasure meeting you."Bailey said introducing herself and forwarding her hand for a handshake. Elsa returned the handshake and replied "Nice meeting you Dr. Bailey." "She is a pain in the ass."Mark joked. "Mark"  Elsa said in a scolding tone. "I am sorry Dr. Bailey . I apologise on his behalf" Elsa said. " "It's nothing Dr Smith.  I don't hesitate to give him back. You might be one hell of a woman Dr Smith that Dr Sloan keeps his business in his pants."Bailey said. Elsa laughed and Mark said "She's my SISTER." just then Dr. Bailey's pager went on and she said "I will see you around Dr. Smith." Elsa nodded.
"Listen ,Do you live nearby? I have to take shower , I have a meeting nearby and I am jetlagged and my hotel is a little far away"Elsa asked Mark.
"Yeah it's just a ten minute drive. These are my room's keys. Go and rest."Mark said handing her the keys and she hugged him and said "Just talk to Derek , If you can." Mark nodded. "Okay , I will meet you tomorrow at the surgery and after the surgery we will talk whatever and how much you want."Elsa said.
Mark nodded and Elsa went to Mark's hotel room and Mark went for his surgery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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