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The next morning, Lei was visited by Genya who asked to join her in getting Alina ready for the day.

"Morning, sunshine," Genya greeted, walking forward to reveal Lei's tall figure.

Alina seemed to perk up, having not seen the girl since their short conversation. "Lei, I haven't see you at all! How have you been?"

Lei smiled, "I think I should be asking you that. Taken my advice yet?"

Alina ducks her head, "I've been trying."

"Then that's all I could ask."

Her response make Alina look up, smiling joyfully. Unfortunately, it didn't last longer than a second as it seemed that something in her head clicked, and her head swivelled to Genya, hurriedly.

"Have any letters arrived?"

Genya pursed her lips, "No."

Lei raised an eyebrow at Alina's dejected face, "Is there a secret someone waiting for you back at home?"

The Sun Summoner's cheeks tinged red as she looked away in refusal, "Absolutely not!"

Lei and Genya shared a smirk.

"Hmm. Alright, I believe you for now, but I've got my eye on you, Starkov," Lei warned her, jokingly.

Alina rolled her eyes in amusement. "I'm going horse riding?"

Genya nodded, walking further into the room, "With General Kirigan."

His name caused Lei's mood to sour, having to cover up an irritated scowl at the thought of him. She was quite upset after he sent Zoya away, not liking being separated from her friend, even if she did deserve it.

Alina sighs in agitation, "I need to train, not be trotted around town. The sooner I do what I need to do, the sooner I can get back to—"

"You're life?" Lei questioned with a hint of sympathy.

"This is your life," Genya explained.

Alina huffed, "Yeah, my life. Where Zoya is waiting to squall me into a wall or an open fire pit."

Lei bit her lip, saying nothing. While, Zoya's behaviour was unacceptable, she didn't want to talk bad about one of her first ever friends.

Genya peeked a look at Lei, watching her reaction. She was well aware how close the two girls were, who weren't? "She's off the palace grounds. Didn't you hear? He sent her away to reassess her priorities."

Alina's shoulders dropped in relief, thankful for the girl's absence.

"Come on, you don't want to keep him waiting."

Alina sighed sarcastically, "Saints forbid. Why? Is he angry?"

Genya lifted a charcoal coloured kefta with lustrous yellow embroidery, "This might do the trick."

Lei's eyes widened, had Kirigan suggested for Alina to wear his colour? She supposed she shouldn't be shocked, they were meant to be equals and by wearing the same keftas, it would show that to everyone.

At the thought, Lei felt her stomach twist. If this were to of happened a few years ago, it would be for a reason of jealousy, but now it was out of fright for Alina.

Kirigan was a man of power, and while Alina was revealed as the Sun Summoner, even she can fall from the stab of his sword of lies, sucked in by his strong, enticing aura.

It had worked on many before her, including a much-too trustworthy Lei.

Alina shook her head. "Black is his color. Not mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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