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Destiny N

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Destiny N. Brown

I strutted onto the stripping stage. Nervousness cascaded through my body and pooled at the base of my brain, storming into madness. The mirrored surface of the poles cast distorted images around me, making them seem like demons mocking me for a decision I had made long ago. The men stood at the edge of their seats, leering at me with lustful eyes.

Smoke surrounded us like a locked room, but the neon lights illuminated my curves, making them shine like diamonds. Even though I had worked at this club for months, this was only my third time getting onto the stage and dancing in front of hundreds of men and women.

I tried to shake off the fear that was paralyzing me, closed my eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath. It was showtime, and I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me. I began to move to the music, swaying my hips to the rhythm. The men's eyes followed my every move, and I could feel their desire growing with every sway of my hips.

I let my hands follow the curves of my body, caressing my skin as I moved. The smoke began to clear, and the neon lights shone brighter. I allowed the music to take control of my mind and body, and I started moving faster. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my breath was coming in short gasps. I reached up to the pole and began to spin around it, my body gliding smoothly from one position to the next.

The men cheered and whistled, throwing dollar bills at my feet. I felt a rush of adrenaline flow through me, fueling my movements as I continued to spin and dance. As the song drew to a close, I slowed my movements, allowing my body to come to a graceful stop.

The men erupted into applause, and I could feel the satisfaction pouring through me. This was what I was good at—what I had always been good at. I was born to be a stripper. I gathered the dollar bills that had been thrown at me and made my way off the stage, my head held high with pride. As I walked past the men, I could hear them whispering and murmuring amongst themselves.

I knew what they were saying—that they wanted a piece of me. But I wasn't interested. I had a job to do, and the men were just a means to an end. As I disappeared into the darkness of the backstage area, I felt a smile spread across my face.

I had done it again, and I had done it well. But deep down, I knew that this was just a temporary distraction from the real problems in my life. I had bills to pay and dreams that seemed out of reach. But for now, I could forget all of that. I could forget about the long hours, the endless shifts, and the leering men. I could let the music and the lights wash over me and just be in the moment.

As I sat down to count the dollar bills, I couldn't help but wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't taken this job. Would I be happy? Would I be successful? Or would I be struggling just to get by? I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. Counting the stack of dollar bills in front of me, I knew that I had made the right decision, at least for now.

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