~Falling for you (Litterly)~

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Jisung POV~

The first day was rough. A fight happened, I found out people were betting on it, and for some reason everyone was staring at me. As soon as anyone saw me they would turn and whisper to the person next to them. Seeing people do that everywhere you walk isn't great.

The whole day horrible thoughts filled my head. What had I done? Had I hurt someone? I felt so guilty even though I didn't know what it was about or even if I did something. Changbin offered me a ride home since he brought me here anyways. I accepted.

"Are you alright Jisung?" Changbin continued to question me. "You looked sad all day, did something happen?" He kept one hand on the wheel while he talked to me.
"I'm fine... just had a bad day." I responded and kept my head down. We lived close to the school so the drive wasn't long.

"Jisung, just tell me what happened." Changbin was pulling into the driveway of the apartment complex we lived in. I didn't respond, pulling my hoodie over my head and pulling the strings hard enough so I couldn't see.
"Fine, don't talk..." Changbin unlocked the car and got out and I copied him. I walked in silence next to him.

We climbed three flights of stairs reaching Changbins level.
"Changbin," I mumbled, kind of hoping he wouldn't hear me.
"Yes?" He asked, turning to face me. I pulled down my hood looking at him seriously.
"No matter where I was today... everyone around me was whispering... I think they were talking about me." I admitted holding back my watery eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Oh, that's why you're so sad?" Changbin asked, making sure his thinking was correct. I only nodded looking at the ground.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you..." Changbin gave me a reassuring smile.
"You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault." I told him which apparently shocked him a bit.

"I'm just trying to make you feel better buddy. You didn't deserve What happened to you..." he continued "I tell you what tomorrow we'll figure out what they're talking about tomorrow, together." Changbin reassured me, patting my shoulder softly.
"Thank you," I sniffed back my tears and waved goodnight to him.
"Night Jisung." Changbin waved as well, giving me a little nod.

After that I felt much better, yet I was exhausted. I still had a lot of homework to do and all I wanted to do was sleep. I climbed two more flights of stairs to the top floor of the complex. I slumped my shoulders and my feet drug behind me. I started to walk down the long hallway. Of course I had to have one of the furthest apartments from the ground.

As I walked down the hallway another guy stared at me. I guess that was his only option with no one to whisper too. He looked different though, he had shaggy brown hair that was messed up. He must have just woken up. His bronze eyes were tired, yet filled with fire. Most noticeable though, was his smile. One side curving up more than the other. I tried not to look back because when I did his eyes pierced me. It made me nervous.

I tried to walk faster but my feet were failing me. I tripped over nothing falling to my hands and knees. Before I could even get up the brown eyed boy laughed behind me.
"Jisung, do you need help?" He walked over to me, reaching his hand out. I didn't expect it, nor did I expect him to know my name. I got to my feet on my own hurrying to my door which was only... right next to his!

Minho POV~

I pressed my key into the hole of the door, twisting it locked. I had just woken up from a long nap. I then heard footsteps coming from down the hall. The steps were slow and worn out. I turned Just to glance at who it was; not like I cared. It was him.

Han Jisung. We lived in the same apartment. It would make this bet ten times easier. I stared at the blonde boy, he looked like he was easy to manipulate. Jisung looked at me off and on. I looked him over, he wore a huge sweatshirt and baggy black jeans topped off with black high top converse. I noticed his chubby cheeks again, they stood out to me; for some reason.

He looked drowsy and lost. His eyes kept wandering back and forth between the floor and me. I guess he just couldn't keep his eyes off of all this.

Suddenly his steps became faster and not as steady. Jisung fell face first, catching himself on his hands and knees. I hurried over. Although I didn't really care that much. I just needed to win this dumb bet.

"Jisung, do you need help?" I asked and stuck my hand out for him to grab. I even slipped in a smirk. I expected him to grab it and thank me. Maybe even beg for me to kiss him, but the complete opposite happened. He stood up on his own. He looked me in the eyes once more before rushing to his room.

His room was only a wall apart from mine. This would be perfect.

Jisung POV~

I slammed the door behind me, locking it and catching my breath. I dropped my school bag on the floor instantly feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. I bent down and pulled out my computer knowing I couldn't sleep. I had to get started on my work. Before I sat on my bed I hurried to my fridge grabbing an iced coffee. I needed it. My fingers began to type quickly gliding across the keyboard.

I was able to survive another hour or so before the crash happened. The fatigue really hit me. I stood up jumping around trying to stay awake but my eyes kept fluttering shut. I couldn't keep them open any longer. I shut my computer and collapsed onto my bed. My mind became empty and everything went dark. 


A/N ~
next chap bouta get goofy.
Also I Hope You're enjoying the story so far <3

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