~Loud~ (Smut)

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Minho POV~

"You want me huh?" I confirmed what he had said. Jisung nodded fast. I couldn't wait any longer. I picked Jisung up, holding his ass in my hands and his chest against mine. Neither of us cared to check if the door was locked or not. We didn't care.

I dropped the small boy on his bed which wasn't that big. He looked up at me with desperate eyes. I began to feel something forming in my pants as well. Seeing him in that restless state turned me on.
"M-minho... I-I'm a virgin..." Jisung mumbled shyly. I couldn't contain my excitement. I wanted to take away his innocence so bad.

"Do you want me to fix that?" I asked confidently. Jisung nodded shyly, face red and desperate. I quickly got on top of Jisung, laying tons of kisses down his neck. Occasionally I left little bites making sure to leave marks. Even though he whined underneath me I kept going. As I began to get closer to his collar I pulled his shirt off revealing what he had been hiding from me. He had a scar right down the middle of his stomach. How could he be ashamed of something like this? I thought it was cute. Jisung was too dazed to even realize I had taken his shirt off. I continued down his chest and stomach letting my mouth graze over his hard nipples. When I did I heard a sweet moan escape his mouth. Jisung immediately tried to cover it up with his hand.
"I want to hear you scream... don't cover up your sweet voice." I demanded and Jisung nodded, removing his hand from his mouth. As soon as he did I grazed mouth over his nipple again. I watched as he let out another moan leaning his head back against a pillow.

I made my way to his V-line and down to we're his pants began. I gave him one last kiss down there before I began to slip his pants off. Jisung didn't stop me, his hands were too busy gripping the sheets hard. Once his pants and underwear were off I looked at his body. He was so dazed and messed up just from me giving him kisses. How cute. I left small kisses on the inside of his thighs. This time I bit down hard and sucked, making sure everyone would know what happened to him.

"Ah~" a sweet moan emerged from Jisungs lips. It was music to my ears. Finally I laid a kiss on his tip, making him shudder.
"You're so sensitive..." I ran my hands down his sides feeling his small waist and hips. Jisung opened a drawer for me next to the bed and handed me lube. I knew what he wanted. I squirted the liquid on my fingers and at his entrance. I slowly began to push one finger in.

"M-Minho!" My name was being moaned from his lips. Nothing had felt better. When I heard it it made me push my finger all the way in. Jisung shiverd and squirmed. I slowly put another finger into him. Making his hips buckle moving against nothing searching for friction.
"Ah It- it hurts!" Jisung let out a cry but I didn't listen. I moved my fingers faster, eventually turning his cry's into moans.

3rd person

Jisung didn't know how but Minho's fingers had felt Better than any other toy out there. Minho continued to pound his fingers into Jisung. Jisung wasn't sure how to feel it was like something he had never felt before. It hurt but it felt good at the same time. Minho began to put a third finger in as he thought Jisung had adjusted enough. Even though Jisung still wasn't quite used to it he didn't say anything.

Jisungs hips began to buckle more trying to rub against anything. Jisung couldn't hold back anymore he reached his hand down and began to play with himself while Minho pumped his fingers in and out of Jisung.
"What are you doing baby?" Minho asked, grabbing Jisungs hand which was wrapped around his member.
"I can't stop..." Jisung moaned.
"Then let me." Minho removed Jisungs hand and replaced it with his helping Jisung reach his high. Before he got there Minho removed his fingers and his hand leaving Jisung a moaning mess.

"Minho?!" Han whined. He wanted more. More like he needed more. Minho observed what he had done to the innocent boy.
"What do you want Ji?" Minho whispered in Jisungs war, making him shiver.
"I want you..." Jisung whined more tears forming in his eyes.
"Use your words sweetie..." Minho whispered again, waiting for him to beg.
"M-minho, please! Please fuck me!" Han cried out squirming underneath Minho.

"Okay baby, if that's what you want..." Minho didn't hold back; he pushed half of his length into Jisung. When he did he hit his prostate.
"AH-" Jisung screamed loudly and everyone could hear them at this point.
"You're doing great... Can I go further?" Minho smirked as if it was Han's choice.
"Y-" Jisung began to say something but Minho didn't listen. He shoved the rest of his length inside. A huge cry emerged from Jisung as his back arched off of the mattress.
"M-minho! Hurts!" Jisung screamed tears staining his face. Seeing Jisung like this Turned Minho on. He liked seeing him in a fucked out state.

Without warning Minho began to move. As soon as he did Jisung released all over his lower stomach getting a bit on Minho too. Hans' back arched and his nails dug into Minhos' back.
"Already?" Minho continued to move at a steady pace. Jisung squirmed from the overstimulation. It hurt bad but Minho wouldn't stop. He wanted to be pleased too.
Low moans and grunts came from Minho as he reached his high. Han began to reach another one even though he could barely handle the pain he released again. As Jisung did, Minho did as well. Minho was released inside Jisung, filling him up.

All Jisung was able to do was breathe barley. Minho slowly pulled out after riding out his high. Jisung could barely move, his body twitched from overstimulation. Jisung thought it felt good but he also hurt. Hans face had been stained with tears and he was still sniffling and catching his breath.

Sweat coated both of them. Minho pushed back his wet hair and walked to the bathroom, starting a bath. Once he returned he tried to help Jisung to his feet so he could take a bath but the boy collapsed into Minho's arms. His legs were too weak to stand. Minho sighed and carried Ji to the bath and gave him the things he needed. Before Jisung could say thank you Minho was out his door leaving Jisung to fend for himself. All Jisung could think about was if he did something wrong. Did Minho hate him now?


Honestly my first time writting Smut to don't kill me

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